Vietnam strengthen ties with Francophone member countries

Beirut, Oct. 20 (VNA) -- President Tran Duc Luong has expressed the wish to boost cooperative ties with Lebanon, Switzerland, Canada and Burkina Faso during his meetings with leaders of these countries on the sideline of the Francophone Summit in Beirut.

At the talks with President Emile Lahoud, the Vietnamese leader spoke highly of the achievements recorded by the Lebanese people in their national reconstruction and economic development in recent years.

"Vietnam Prospect of 2002" exhibition - fair - seminar

Hanoi, 15 April 2002
Letter of Invitation

Under the 2002 program, the Ministry of Culture and Information resumes directing and supporting Vietnam Exhibition Fair Center in organizing the second exhibition - fair - seminar of "Vietnam Prospect of 2002" in the subject "Vietnam -Destination of the new millennium", to commence on 29 November 2002 till 4 December 2002 at the Vietnam Exhibition Fair Centre in the capital city of Hanoi Capital

Viet Nam operates market economy

Ho Chi Minh City, Oct. 17 (VNA) -- Foreign business circles operating in Viet Nam have affirmed that Viet Nam is operating a market-oriented economy.

Vietnam rejects recommendation from USCIRF

Vietnam has rejected the US Commission on International Religious Freedom's (USCIRF) recommendation that Vietnam be put on a special list of nations which restrict religious freedom.

"In Vietnam, the right to religious and non-religious freedom of all citizens is clearly stated in the Constitution and laws," said Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Phan Thuy Thanh.

"This right has also been guaranteed in reality," she said while responding to a Reuters correspondent's query at a regular press briefing held on October 3.

US report on Vietnam's religious freedom criticised

Vietnam has criticised the US State Department's annual report on international religious freedom, saying "the report contained erroneous remarks about religious freedom in Vietnam."

"These remarks were based on biased and untrue information," Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Phan Thuy Thanh stressed.

Asked by Vietnam News Agency (VNA) and AFP correspondents' queries about Vietnam's reaction to this annual report, the spokeswoman said "In the report, the US itself had recognised positive changes in Vietnam's religious situation."

Sustainable development of mountainous areas

Ha Noi, Oct. 16 (VNA)-- The Vietnamese Government has joined the international community's commitment to "Making efforts for the mountainous areas' sustainable development", better investing in programmes, policies, effective solutions for the development of mountainous areas.

Prime Minister Phan Van Khai renewed the commitment at a meeting held in Ha Noi on Oct. 16 in response to the International Year for Mountainous Areas.

Party leader's visits to Russia and Belarus successful

Ha Noi, Oct. 16 (VNA) -- Not only sharing spiritual and sentimental potentials, Viet Nam, Russia and Belarus also have great potential for cooperation in commerce-economy, science-technology and training, said Deputy Prime Minister Vu Khoan in an interview with the press in Ha Noi today, Oct. 16.

Mr. Vu Khoan was a member of the delegation accompanying Party General Secretary Nong Duc Manh during his visits to Russia from Oct. 9-13 and Belarus from Oct. 14-16.

Following is full text of the interview:

Viet Nam's current foreign policy reiterated

Ha Noi, Oct. 16 (VNA) -- Shortly after his successful trip to Japan early this month, Communist Party of Viet Nam General Secretary Nong Duc Manh has travelled to Russia and Belarus, two of Viet Nam's traditional friendly countries, to materialise the foreign policy of promoting multi-lateral relations.

Viet Nam - Belarus Joint Communique

Minsk, Oct. 15 (VNA) -- Viet Nam and Belarus issued in Minsk on Tuesday a joint communique at the end of the visit to Belarus by General Secretary Nong Duc Manh of the Communist Party of Viet Nam Central Committee from Oct.13-15, 2002.

Following is the full text of the communique:

At the invitation of President Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Viet Nam Nong Duc Manh paid an official visit to Belarus during October 13-15, 2002.

Join Communique issued by Vietnam and Russia

Moscow, Oct. 13 (VNA) -- Viet Nam and Russia issued in Moscow on Oct. 13 a communique on the visit to Russia by General Secretary Nong Duc Manh of the Communist Party of Viet Nam Central Committee from Oct. 9-13, 2002.

Following is the full text of the communique:

1. At the invitation of Russian President V.V. Putin, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Viet Nam Nong Duc Manh paid an official visit to Russia during October 9 - 13, 2002.
