Flora & Fauna

Vietnamese land comprises 7 groups: salted soil, alum, alluvium, muddy land, peat, grey exhausted soil; most of the land belong to different kinds of alluvium, grey soil and alum. On the whole, Vietnamese soil has thick strata and high fertility, it provides very favorable conditions for the development of agriculture and forestry.

The monsoon tropical climate, sunshine and rain have given Vietnam and abundant and diversified vegetation. The Vietnamese territory lies at the convergence of atmospheric currents and has received a great number of seeds from the north, west and south, that is why the forests hav many strains and species of vegetation. Vietnam has over 800 wood species many of which are precious due to their hardness, solidity, beautiful grains and colors. The famous wood species comprise iron wood, oak, teak; thitka on limestone mountains; wood with beautiful grains such as mahogany, calamander, barian kingwood, aqilaria, species of peumou, yellow wood pedo-carpus fleuryi, comphor-trees also abound. The virgin forests have a reserve of wood of over 300 cubic meters per hectare.

The fauna is as abundant and diversified as the flora. In Vietnam there exist a variety of ancient tropical fauna and about 200 species of animals, 800 species of birds, 100 species of amphibians and over 150 species of reptiles. 1,000 species live in the seas and rivers and 200 species live in fresh water.

Dense forests, limestone mountain forests, multi-canopied forests constitute tha habitat of different species of monkeys, langurs, gibbons, wild cats and squirrels. Vietnamese forests have typical monkey species such as white-headd langurs, rhinopithecus, black mokeys. Likewise, there are valuable species of birds such as pheasants, pheinardia ocellata. There are many species of reptiles: boas, iguanas, snakes, chameleons, centipedes. The high mountains in the north have many furred wild animals like selenartos, small bears, big black squirrels, foxes, otters, civet cats.

Aminals living in fresh waters comprise 250 fish species; brackish water and caostal areas are the habitat of 1,000 species of fishes, 300 species of crabs, 40 species of shrimps and lobsters, 300 species of oysters and sea snails. Besides, there are clams, seaslugs, sea turtles, pearl oysters; 300 species of seaweeds; in particular ther are salanganes on rocky mountains on islands.

Though the Vietnamese fauna is rich, varied and comprises rare species of high value, not all of them are available in large quantities.

Vietnam has great potentialities for mineral ores, underground resources, and riches under the sea-bed. It ranks among the countries having average reserves of oil and gas which are gradually being exploited. All kind of mineral resources exist, some with large reserves: coal, iron, bauxite, etc. Small mines arre scattered all over the country.

The natural conditions of Vietnam also present an unfavorable aspect. A particular feature of the monsoon climate is its uncertainty. Cold comes early in some years, late in others. Some years are marked by heavy rains and big floods, and others by prolonged periods of drought.

The humid maritime climate facilitates the generation of fungi and insects while accelerating the corrosion of machinery and equipment. Steep slopes and existence of many rivers and streams creates difficulties for the building of the communication network. Land erosion is a danger to be checked in the first place. The diversity of flora and fauna and their existence is in scattered state and small quantity make it difficult to organize breeding