<B>FM Spokeswoman on the US President's ratification of BTA </B>

The spokeswoman for the Foreign Ministry Phan Thuy Thanh said in a statement issued in Ha Noi on Oct. 18 said that Viet Nam welcomes the ratification of the Viet Nam-U.S. bilateral trade agreement (BTA) by President George Bush of the United States on Oct. 17.

"Viet Nam welcomes the ratification of the Viet Nam-U.S. Bilateral Trade Agreement (BTA) by President George Bush of the United States on Oct. 17. It is an important landmark in the full normalisation process between Viet Nam and the U.S., meeting the aspirations and the interests of both peoples.

<B>Guidelines in U.S-Vietnam relations- President Bush Reply</B>

Following is the Reply of President George W. Bush to the Remarks of the Newly appointed Ambassador Of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Nguyen Tam Chien on the occasion of the presentation of his letter of credence

Mr. Ambassador:

VN and U.S discuss ways to boost exports to the U.S market

Ha Noi, Oct. 17 (VNA) -- Vietnamese and American business people have discussed plans to develop Viet Nam's investment and trade infrastructure to meet international standards as part of their joint efforts to make Viet Nam's products more competitive in the U.S. market and build Viet Nam's strategy for its textiles and garment exports to the U.S.

<B>FM Spokeswoman on U.S cooperation against terrorism</B>

Ha Noi, Oct. 17 (VNA) -- Viet Nam's foreign ministry spokeswoman Phan Thuy Thanh today called on the United States and other countries to cooperate with Viet Nam in the fight against terrorist attacks on Viet Nam.

The United States and other countries should be consistent in their fight against terrorism and help Viet Nam to capture and punish those people who use terrorism to attack the State and people of Viet Nam at home and at its representative missions overseas, Ms.Thanh said.

<B>Amb. Nguyen Tam Chien presents Letter of Credence</B>

Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador Nguyen Tam Chien presented Letter of Credence to President George W. Bush at the White House on October 10, 2001.

On this occasion, Ambassador Nguyen Tam Chien conveyed the warmest greeting and best wishes from Vietnamese Leadership, from President Tran Duc Luong and Madame to President George W. Bush and Madame.

Statement by the MOFA spokeswoman on the US military strikes

"Vietnam strongly condemns any terrorist acts and supports efforts to eliminate terrorism from the life of mankind. Vietnam is of the view that anti-terrorist measures must be taken in conformity with the UN Charter and international laws.

Vietnam expresses its deep concern over the war in Afghanistan, which poses serious threats to the lives of innocent civilians. We hope that the parties concerned will exercise maximum restraint, not to let the war spread out and expeditiously find appropriate solutions to early put an end to the war and restore peace".

<B>Excerpts from remarks of the U.S Senators approved BTA</B>

Some excerpts from remarks of the U.S Senators at voting for approval of Vietnam-US Bilateral Trade Agreements on Oct. 3, 2001:

Senator Baucus:

More American servicemen's remains repatriated

Ha Noi, Oct. 4 (VNA) -- Remains of five American servicemen listed as missing in action were handed over to the U.S. Full Accounting Joint Task Force by representatives of the Viet Nam Office Seeking Missing Persons in Ha Noi on Oct. 4.

The remains were found by joint Vietnamese-U.S. teams during the 66th joint search for MIAs from July 9-August 8, 2001 and by local people. Those remains have gone through primary tests for identification in Ha Noi by forensic doctors from both countries.

Vietmam welcomes the US Senate' BTA approval

(VNA) -- The U.S. Senate on Wednesday, Oct.3, voted 88-12 to approve a bill to establish normal trade ties with Viet Nam.

Seven of the 11 Senators taking the floor had asked for the endorsement. Senator John McCain, who spent years as a prisoner of war in Viet Nam, said he supported normalizing trade relations as he could "no longer see the benefit of fighting over it."

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