President Tran Duc Luong proposes NA ratify Vietnam-US BTA

President Tran Duc Luong on November 23, proposed the National Assembly ratify the Vietnam-US Bilateral Trade Agreement (BTA).

USAID helps Hanoi improve emergency services

Ha Noi, Nov.25 (VNA)-- The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has provided USD 130,000 to a project to improve Ha Noi's first-aid services.

The money was channelled through the U.S. humanitarian organisation, Counterpart International.

Under the project, Ha Noi's first-aid staff will be trained in advanced techniques with a view to minimize deaths by injuries and diseases.

The project started this November and will last until October of 2002.

Trade agreement with the U.S serves as a legal tool for exporters

Ha Noi, Nov. 21 (VNA)-- The National Assembly will consider ratifying the Viet Nam-U.S. Bilateral Trade Agreement (BTA) to lay a legal foundation for businesses wanting to export products to the U.S. market.

This was announced by Trade Minister Vu Khoan in an interview with Lao Dong (Labour) newspaper on Nov. 21.

He said that approval of the BTA will mark a full normalisation of trade relations between Viet Nam and the United States, a market which annually imports trillions of US dollars worth of consumer goods.

Condolence from FM Nguyen Dy Nien on crash of AA jetliner

Having learned about the accident of an American Airlines jetliner in the morning of November 12, 2001 in New York City, causing heavy losses in human and property, Foreign Minister Nguyen Dy Nien extends his condolences to State Secretary Colin Powell and through Mr. Powell to the U.S. Government and, especially to the families of the victims.

Catfish campaign against Vietnamese fish

No sooner was the Bilateral Vietnam-US Trade Agreement (BTA) signed by US President George W Bush, the world witnessed opposing moves by a group of US business people in a campaign against the import of Vietnam's Tra and Basa catfish into this market. The campaign, which began late last year, occasionally eased for a few months before it culminated into a full-flown campaign. The campaign is so loud and harsh that some Americans term it the 'Catfish war' or 'A new war against Vietnam.'

What is catfish and who is the CFA?

Vietnam-US intellectual property rights enforcement seminar

Ha Noi, Nov. 12 (VNA) -- Specialists of Viet Nam and the U.S. are discussing intellectual property rights enforcement at a seminar held in Ho Chi Minh City on Nov. 12 and 13.

The seminar is part of a larger Viet Nam-U.S. technical assistance effort in trade. It is intended to boost cooperation on intellectual property rights enforcement in preparation for the implementation of the Viet Nam-U.S. Bilateral Trade Agreement (BTA). The BTA is currently being reviewed for ratification by Viet Nam.

Vietnam-Indonesia joint press statement

12 (VNA) -- Viet Nam and Indonesia issued in Jakarta today, Nov. 12, a joint press statement on President Tran Duc Luong's visit to Indonesia from Nov. 10-12.

The statement says that Indonesia's President Megawati Sukarnoputri warmly welcomed President Luong's visit, saying that it was of great significance to the consolidation and promotion of the two countries' solidarity and cooperation on the basis of mutual respect and mutual benefit.

Vietnamese Ambassador's letter to the Representative

Washington DC, November 8, 2001

Dear Representative:

I would like to raise with you our serious concerns about the House

Vietnamese Ambassador's letter to the Senator

Washington DC, November 6, 2001

Dear Honorable Senator:

I would like to raise with you our serious concerns about the Senate

Prevention of VN catfish import into the U.S runs counter to BTA

Ha Noi, Nov. 6 (VNA) -- Prevention of Vietnamese Basa and Tra catfish imported into the U.S. runs counter to the spirit of the bilateral trade agreement between Viet Nam and the United States, says Dr. Nguyen Thi Hong Minh, President of the Viet Nam Association of Seafood Exporters and Processors (VASEP).

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