VN businesses aim for oversize US garment-textile fair

Econet - Twenty-nine Vietnamese garment and textile businesses will take part in a clothing and accessory fair in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, from August 30 to September 2.

Nguyen Son, deputy director of the Export Promotion Centre of the Vietnam Garment and Textile Corporation (Vinatex), said participation in this major garment fair is a promotional activity for the Vietnam Garment and Textile Association - Vinatex in particular - with a view to boosting exports to the US in the future.

Participants will include the Chien Thang Garment Co., the Dap Cau Garment Co., the Hanoi Garment and Textile Co., the Phuong Dong Textile Co., the Nha Be Garment Co., and Viet Thang Textile Co. These firms are Vietnam’s leading garment producers and already export products to the US.

The Las Vegas Fair is held twice every year, in February and August. It draws participation of around 3,000 businesses from the US and other countries, exhibiting over 5,000 products.