Rumsfeld Begins Vietnam Visit

US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld arrived in Hanoi Sunday for a three-day official visit at the invitation of his Vietnamese counterpart Pham Van Tra.


US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld meets PM Phan Van Khai in Hanoi Monday June 5, 2006

The two ministers will meet Monday to discuss bilateral co-operation, particularly military.

However, no agreements were expected to be signed at this meeting, a spokesman for the US embassy in Hanoi said.

Rumsfeld and his entourage will also pay a courtesy visit on Prime Minister Phan Van Khai and visit the historic Temple of Literature.

Rumsfeld is the second defense secretary to visit Vietnam since 1975, after William Cohen in March 2000.

Vietnam-US relations have been improving since the 1990s and the two countries’ defense ministries have been cooperating closely over prisoners of war/missing in action issues and the fight against international terrorism.

Source: Tuoi Tre, Nguoi Lao Dong, Thanh Nien News