Decade of Vietnam-US Ties Marked

HA NOI — Relations between Viet Nam and the United States had grown in many aspects since the countries established ties 10 years ago, said Deputy Chairman of the National Assembly Nguyen Phuc Thanh yesterday.

He was speaking at the reception held for the special US envoy Gordon H. Mansfield, Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs, sent by President George W. Bush to Ha Noi on the occasion of celebrating the 10th anniversary of establishing diplomatic ties.

Prime Minister Phan Van Khai’s historic first visit to the United States recently and the US envoy’s visit to celebrate the 10th anniversary showed bilateral relations between the two countries had reached new heights, Thanh said.

Viet Nam had been doing its best in co-operating with the United States, creating favorable conditions for the U.S. search for its prisoners of war and missing-in-action soldiers (POW/MIAs) in Viet Nam.

Both sides should take more efforts to solve the consequences of the war and promote exchanges and mutual understanding, he said, hailing contributions of the US Department of Veterans in normalizing diplomatic ties between the two countries.

Speaking on the occasion, Mansfield said he was honored to be President Bush’s representative and thanked Viet Nam for its assistance in the search for US POW/MIAs.

Calling for increasing exchanges and co-operation in various fields, he said Viet Nam had the support of President Bush in its bid to join the World Trade Organisation (WTO). The fact that Viet Nam’s National Assembly has approved certain new laws indicated Viet Nam’s determination to complete the legal framework for joining the WTO, Mansfield said.

Mansfield, who earlier met Foreign Minister Nguyen Dy Nien, conveyed President Bush’s congratulations to President Tran Duc Luong and Prime Minister Phan Van Khai on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of establishing diplomatic ties.

Nien, on his part, conveyed President Luong and Prime Minister Khai’s regards to President Bush, his administration and Americans on the historic event, and agreed with Mansfield on the necessity to push forward measures for promoting bilateral ties.

At a separate ceremony to commemorate the anniversary, organized by the U.S. Embassy in Ha Noi, Nien hailed the positive results of US-Viet Nam bilateral relations over the last decade and emphasized the importance of Prime Minister Phan Van Khai’s historic visit to the US in late June.

The visit had taken Viet Nam-US relations to a higher level through promoting constructive partnership, friendship and multi-faceted co-operation on the basis of equality, mutual respect and benefit.

At a press meeting held on the same day by the U.S. Embassy, Mansfield told reporters that he was pleased to attend the celebration of the 10th anniversary of Viet Nam-US relations in Ha Noi.

"I think it is very important we recognize that we have had 10 years of normalized relations. During these 10 years, we have been able to understand each other and the issues better," Mansfield said.

"We have been able to put in place a framework for partnerships and co-operation in the future."

However, Mansfield admitted that there were still issues that the two countries needed to solve.

"There are many issues that we need to work together and discuss. We have agreed to do it in partnership, by understanding each other, and by moving forward," Mansfield said.

Viet Nam News, July 13, 2005