Licensing time for foreign investment projects cut by half

Ha Noi, Nov. 3 (VNA) -- The licensing time for foreign direct invested projects in Ho Chi Minh City will be cut by half to 20 days for those in the fields under State special control and those that require examination from specialized branches. The licensing time for small projects in the fields that the State is trying to stimulate investment in will not exceed 10 days.

Vietnam vows to work for succesful ASEAN Summit in Brunei

Ha Noi, Nov.4 (VNA) -- Prime Minister Phan Van Khai spoke highly of Brunei's comprehensive preparations for the seventh ASEAN summit as well as the ASEAN+3 and ASEAN+1 meetings this year and said Viet Nam will work actively to contribute to the success of the summit and the meetings between ASEAN and its dialogue partners.

PM Khai made the remarks at his meeting with Brunei Darussalam's Head of State Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah shortly after his arrival in Bandar Seri Begawan this afternoon, Nov.4, for the ASEAN summit meeting.

PM Phan Van Khai urges econ. restructuring in agriculture

Ha Noi, Oct. 31 (VNA) -- Prime Minister Phan Van Khai on Wednesday, Oct. 31, urged the agricultural sector to consider agricultural and rural economic restructuring as a key task for effective use of natural resources and the people's dynamism and creativity.

President Tran Duc Luong visits flood stricken province

Oct.30 (VNA) -- President Tran Duc Luong has said that the Party and State of Viet Nam are always concerned about the efficiency and effectiveness of the national flood control programme in the Mekong River Delta, stressing that "The programme is part of the Government's active effort to harness and control seasonal flooding in the region."

Gov't officials and business circles discuss E-Gov't

Ha Noi, Oct. 27 (VNA) -- How to operate an e-Government in Viet Nam was the main topic of discussion by Government officials and business people in Ha Noi on Oct. 26.

Participants at a talk, organised jointly by the Viet Nam Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Government Office, held that the e-Government model is a key point in the process of socialising information technology (IT), promoting democracy, and strengthening the administrative apparatus at the grassroots level.

WB approves USD 110 million loan for poverty reduction project

Ha Noi, Oct. 27 (VNA) -- The World Bank has approved a USD 110 million loan for a participatory poverty reduction project in Viet Nam's northern mountainous areas.

The project is expected to benefit about one million people, 85 percent of whom are ethnic minorities, through investments in rural roads and markets, irrigation and water supply systems, basic education and health, and community development.

Transport development in Central Highlands province Dac Lac

Ha Noi, Oct. 27 (VNA) -- The Central Highlands province of Dac Lac has gradually developed its transport network to fulfill people's travel requirements, thus improving their living conditions.

As many as 650 km of highways and provincial routes have been upgraded. The opening of Highway 14 has significantly reduced the driving time from Dac Lac to Ho Chi Minh City and opened up shorter routes to new economic zones in Dac Rlap, Gia Nghia, and Da Min townships.

Tourists keep coming to Vietnam

Ha Noi, Oct. 24 (VNA) -- Viet Nam is likely to welcome about 2.2 million foreign tourists to earn about USD 1.4 billion this year, despite the September 11 tragedy in the United States, according to an official report presented at a conference in Ha Noi this morning, Oct.24.

Viet Nam welcomed 1,776,859 foreign tourists in the first nine months of the year or a year-on-year increase of 10.2 percent, the report said, adding that the country had set a yearly target of welcoming 2.4 million foreign tourists in 2001.

Medical boats provide effective health care for flood victims

Oct. 25 (VNA) -- This October has seen inhabitants of the Mekong Delta battling against the areas worst floods in 50 years.

They are facing a food shortage, a possible outbreak of epidemics, and other unpredictable dangers brought on by the severe floods. How to effectively take care of local people, particularly women and children, in the flood season is a great concern of the local authorities.

Employment rate reaches 97.24% in Vietnam


Ha Noi, Oct. 25 (VNA) -- An estimated 39,489,000 people aged 15 upwards have permanent employment in Viet Nam. The country's employment rate now stands at 97.24 percent, announced the Ministry of Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs, MOLISA, on Oct. 25.

The announcement was based on a survey conducted by the MOLISA in the period ending July 1, 2001.
