Outstanding overseas Vietnamese honoured

(VNA) The Vietnamese Embassy in France and Ministry of Foreign Affairs held a meeting in Paris on Dec. 20 to honour overseas Vietnamese communities and individuals who fervently studied and followed the moral example of President Ho Chi Minh.

Many excellent individuals reported their achievements to the meeting. Among those were Vietnamese-American professor Le Van Hoa, the author of a book on President Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts, Vietnamese-French scholar Thu Trang who has spent 10 years studying Uncle Ho’s life in France from 1914 to 1926, and Nguyen Van Son, President of the Vietnamese Association in the Sapa Trade Centre, Czech Republic.

During the meeting, the participants paid tribute to President Ho Chi Minh at the Vietnamese Embassy and laid flowers at House No. 9, Compoint alley, where Uncle Ho had lived and worked during his nation-saving journey.

Participants also visited Ho Chi Minh Space at Montreuil city’s museum of history and attended a photo exhibition titled “Uncle Ho with overseas Vietnamese”.

Over the past three years, the campaign to study and follow President Ho Chi Minh’s moral example has received warm response from the masses, including tens of thousands of Vietnamese who are living, working and studying in over 80 countries and territories worldwide./.