State President: Vietnam persists with anti-war policy

(VNA) Vietnam follows a consistent policy to protest against war, promote disarmament and preserve peace, State President Nguyen Minh Triet has said at the United Nations Security Council summit in New York on Sept. 24.

The summit, the first for heads of State to discuss the issue of nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament, is part of the 64th annual session of the United Nations General Assembly.

In his speech, President Triet said the Vietnamese nation, which has a tradition of being friends with other nations, but has had to suffer losses from war, desires peace for its people and all the people of the world.

Triet said Vietnam is now a signatory of all international treaties on prohibiting weapons of mass destruction and is praised by the international community for its serious implementation of its commitments, including those stated in the Security Council’s resolutions.

Human beings, who created nuclear weapons, must now take full responsibility for eliminating them in order to live in a peaceful world, said the President.

He reiterated that Vietnam is committed to doing its utmost to contribute to the world’s general efforts to achieve this worthy goal.

The President affirmed Vietnam’s support for relevant plans and initiatives on the issue by the international community, including proposals by members of the Non-Aligned Movement and a five-point proposal by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

He also put forth Vietnam’s proposal, emphasising nuclear disarmament and the prevention of nuclear war, and eventually eliminating nuclear weapons altogether.

“It is an urgent demand and legitimate aspiration of mankind,” said the State President.

He asked countries possessing nuclear weapons as well as international military alliances and all military powers to make this quest their top priority.

“ Vietnam shares the international community’s common view that bilateral and multi-lateral negotiations as well as plans undertaken by individual countries, will lead to a huge reduction in nuclear arsenals, and ensure security for non-nuclear countries against the possible use or the threat of using this deadly weapon.”

“ Vietnam proposes that international negotiations on nuclear disarmament should begin as soon as possible and States recognised as having the biggest nuclear arsenals should be in the vanguard of nuclear disarmament. It is an urgent necessity in the interests of securing world peace,” Triet urged.

He called for more effective implementation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferaton Treaty (NPT), which needs to uphold the authority of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

He said agreements on nuclear-free zones have reflected the aspirations as well as the rights of States to reduce the risk of nuclear war and have made a practical contribution to nuclear non-proliferation efforts.

The Vietnamese leader asked States to back the Protocol and the Treaty on a Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone, which came into force in 1997.

He also called for stronger use of nuclear energy for the purposes of peace as a firm ground for the nuclear non-proliferation system.

“It is necessary to convene an international conference on the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, dealing with such issues as international coordination, measures to develop policies, science-technology and regulations on security and nuclear security,” the Vietnamese State President said./.