Concerning the recent events and developments in Northeast Asia

On 03 April 2009, in response to questions about the recent events and developments in Northeast Asia, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Spokesman Le Dzung said:

Vietnam supports efforts for peace, stability and denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. Vietnam shares the common view that the 6-party talks on the DPRK nuclear problem is an important and suitable mechanism for the parties concerned to settle disagreements through dialogues and peaceful negotiations.
It is Vietnam’s consistent policy to advocate for the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction, moving toward complete disarmament of these weapons while supporting the rights of countries to use science and technology for peaceful purposes.
In this spirit, Vietnam follows with concern the recent events and developments in Northeast Asia, which have raised concern of many countries and may increase tension in the region and adversely affect the progress of the 6-party talks. We would like to call upon the parties concerned to exercise the utmost restraint to avoid further complicating the situation.