Hard-boiled photographers train photojournalists in Vietnam

Seven internationally renowned experience-hardened photographers, several of whom have covered wars in Vietnam and the region, began a nine-day training course for photojournalists in Hanoi Thursday. tim.bmp
Veteran press photographers Tim Page, Charles Dharapak, Steve Northrup, Gaby Sommer, Horst Faas, Gary Knight, and Chikako Yatable will coach 30 talented young photojournalists from around the country.

The workshop, titled ‘News Photojournalism: Digital Photography and Editing’, focuses on digital photography know-how. While being taught technical digital-photo skills, the trainees are also being instructed on the style and craft of news photos and press coverage.

The classes have been organized by the Indochina Media Memorial Foundation (IMMF) and Vietnam News Agency.

The IMMF was founded in 1991 in memory of journalists who died covering all sides of the Indochina conflicts from 1945 to 1975.

The foundation aims to support and encourage the skills of journalists in Indochina through developing education and training programs with the cooperation of educational institutions and press agencies, including the Vietnam News Agency.

Thanh Nien, TTXVN, IMMF