Party Leader Requests Economical, Democratic Election

images961629_nongducmanh.jpgGeneral Secretary Nong Duc Manh has asked Party committees, administrations and mass organisations to actively draw up specific plans and prepare all necessary conditions to ensure that the National Assembly election is to be carried out safely, economically, democratically and legally.

The party leader gave the instructions during a national conference, held in Ha Noi on Feb. 9 by the Politburo, the National Assembly (NA) Standing Committee, the Election Council in collaboration with the Government and the Viet Nam Fatherland Front, regarding the 12th NA election, scheduled to be held on May 20 this year.

General Secretary Manh also requested that leaders of administrations at all levels create favourable conditions for candidates and voters to conduct direct dialogues.

The upcoming election is an event of important significance, the general secretary said, adding that this will be an opportunity for voters nationwide to execute their political right and to elect the most worthy candidates for the legislative body.

During the two-day conference, participants will hear the Politburo's instructions on the election and discuss and give opinions on various issues, including draft plan - the Law on NA Election, a scheme to implement election procedures, the Government and Ministry of Home Affairs' guidance on organising the election.