PM Dung meets Pope, Vatican PM

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung met with Pope Benedict XVI and held talks with Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone on Jan. 25. 0125_dung_GHoang.jpg

It was the Vietnamese PM's first meeting with both leaders, reflecting the goodwill and desire of Viet Nam and the Vatican to promote dialogue and mutual understanding.

At the meetings, PM Dung informed the Pope Benedict and Cardinal Bertone about Viet Nam's achievements after 20 years of implementing renewal policies aimed at openness and international integration.

PM Dung affirmed that the Communist Party and the State of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam have always respected democracy and the right to freely practise one's beliefs and religion, which have been written into laws, and consistently implementing them to facilitate the advancement of religious groups, considering this as an important element to ensure national unity.

In Viet Nam, the Catholic community is a dynamic, God-loving and patriotic community that has made active contributions to national construction and development, PM Dung said.

The Vietnamese Government has always placed importance on its relationship with the Vatican. The two sides have conducted annual meetings to exchange views on the issues concerning the Viet Nam Catholic Church and other topics of mutual concern. These meetings have brought positive results to help the two sides gain a better understanding of each other.

The Vietnamese Government has advocated the continuation of direct dialogue with the Vatican based on the agreed principles of mutual respect and non-intervention into each other's internal affairs.

Viet Nam hopes that the Vatican will encourage the Vietnamese Catholic community to closely align itself with the nation and fatherland, and to work as a foundation to support the development of relations between Viet Nam and the Papal State.

The Pope and Vatican PM expressed their thanks and content regarding Viet Nam's policy on religious freedom.

Cardinal Bertone requested that full diplomatic ties between the Vatican and Viet Nam be established, which was acknowledged by PM Dung who proposed diplomatic agencies on both sides begin discussing the matter in more detail.

PM Dung thanked Pope Benedict XVI and Cardinal Bertone for their highly-esteemed welcome, and expressed his belief that with goodwill and determination of both sides, the relationship between Viet Nam and the Vatican will continue to grow in line with the two sides' wish.--Enditem

Source: VNA

Press Release - Vietnam's Foreign Ministry