ASEAN Washington Committee voiced Their Support for Vietnam - U.S. PNTR

In a letter sent to U.S. Scretary of State Condoleezza Rice on July 7th, the ASEAN Washington Committee (AWC) has showed their support for Vietnam - U.S. Permanent Normal Trade Relations. The Indonesian Ambassador to the United States and AWC chairman Sudjadnan Pamohadiningrat urged for top level suppport from the U.S. Administration to ensure an ealiest possible extension PNTR to Vietnam.

"PNTR will mark the full normalization of relations between the United States and Vietnam and pave the way for Vietnam to join the WTO. For our Association as a whole, PNTR for Vietnam will represent a concrete example of the US – ASEAN enhanced partnership and underscore the importance that the United States attaches to ASEAN in the face of dynamic and comprehensive changes in the region." wrote Ambassador  Sudjadnan Pamohadiningrat.

"In the same vein, PNTR for Vietnam will help facilitate both the success of the APEC 2006 and the historic visit by President Bush to Southeast Asia".

Full text of the letter