PM attributes renovation success to entire nation

HA NOI — Viet Nam’s achievements through the doi moi process, under the Party’s leadership, could be attributed to contributions by the entire nation, among them clergy and followers of various religions, including Buddhism, Prime Minister Phan Van Khai told Most Venerable Thich Huyen Quang on Wednesday.

During talks with the monk at the Prime Minister’s Office in Ha Noi, Khai briefed the latter of the Party and State’s policies which respect citizens’ rights to freedom of religion.

He said the country’s economic and social development successes justified its pursuit of the great national unity, which helped secure a consensus among the Party and general public to strengthen Viet Nam.

Together with the rest of the nation, Vietnamese Buddhist clergymen and followers had made great contributions to the country’s efforts to liberate the South from foreign aggressors and their henchmen, and re-unify the country, he pointed out.

Khai hoped the Most Venerable Thich Huyen Quang would actively work for Buddhist and national development, strive for the noble goals of making the country stronger, its people prosperous and society equitable, civilised and democratic, as President Ho Chi Minh had wished.

The clergyman had travelled to Ha Noi because of illness, where the Government paid due attention to his treatment, enabling him to recover.

After recovering, Quang visited the Mausoleum of President Ho Chi Minh and several pagodas in Ha Noi.

The Most Venerable Quang wished to pay a courtesy call on Prime Minister Phan Van Khai and his request was accepted. — VNS