Some statistics on economy in 2002 and projection for 2003

(Source: The Investment Review, December 30, 2002)

GDP growth
2002: 7% (projected 7%-7,3%)
2003: 7%-7,5% year-on-year

Industry growth
2002: 14,5% (projected 14%)
2003: 14%-14,5%

Agriculture-Forestry-Fishery growth
2002: 5,4% (projected 4,2%)
2003: 5%

Services growth
2002: 7% (as projected )
2003: 7%-7,2%

Exports growth
2002: 10% (đạt KH)
2003: 7,5%-8%

Total state budget revenue
2002: 6,5% higher than projected figure
2003: VND 123,700 billion

Total state budget expenditure
2002: 5,4% higher than projected figure
2003: VND 158,020 billion

State budget deficit
2002: 5% GDP (as projected)
2003: 5% GDP

Total social investment
2002: 34% GDP (projected 32%)
2003: 35% GDP

Consumer Price Index
2002: 4% (projected 3%-4%)
2003: Not higher than 5%

2002: 1.4 million jobs (as projected)
2003: 1.5 million jobs

Vocational training
2002: 980,000 people
2003: 1 million people

Percentage of poor household (new standards)
2002: 14,3% (as projected)
2003: 12,5%

Birth rate reduction
2002: 0,042% (as projected)
2003: 0,04%

Percentage of malnutritious children
2002: N/A
2003: 28%