Private economic sector makes positive progress

Ha Noi, June 30 (VNA) -- The private economic sector has made positive progress both in quantity and quality alongside other economic sectors during the renovation process.

In the 2000-2001 period, 35,157 enterprises were set up in the whole country, equal to the total number of enterprises registered in the 1991-1999 period. In addition, about 300,000 individual business households registered to do business in this period.

About 4,200 newly-established enterprises registered to do business in the first three months of this year.

The private economic sector has a total working capital of 145,000 billion VND, accounting for 17.6 percent of the total working capital of all economic sectors.

The sector's annual revenue accounted for between 20-35 percent of the total revenue obtained by enterprises belonging to other economic sectors.

The private sector has generated employment for about 5.8 million labourers with an average income equal to 75-90 percent of that of those who work in the same occupations in other economic sectors.

However, the private economic sector has not developed equally in different parts of the country and in different business sectors. Most newly-established enterprises are located in the south, accounting for 73 percent of the total, with those in the north making up only 19 percent, and those in the central region, the rest.

Forty-two percent of private enterprises are conducting trade, 31 percent are involved in industry and construction, 22 percent in services, and only 5 percent in agriculture.

To create a fair and equal investment environment between the private economic sector and other economic sectors, the private enterprises have proposed that the Government remove obstacles they are facing in bidding, the granting of preferential loans, policy on employees, and the supply of business information, production and business cooperation with foreign partners; and seeking outlets for their products.

At the May regular meeting, the Government said it would soon issue documents guiding the implementation of the Enterprise Law, including the Prime Minister's decision on a list of occupations in which foreign investors are allowed to buy shares according to the Law on Encouragement of Domestic Investment and the Enterprise Law, and the decree on administrative punishment in business.--Enditem