List of winning candidates to National Assembly announced

The Electoral Council has made public the list of 498 winning candidates of the May 19 National Assembly elections.

The election of deputies to the eleventh National Assembly was a great success with 99.73% of the total registered 49,902,976 voters casting their ballots, Deputy National Assembly Chairman Mai Thuc Lan told a press briefing in Hanoi on Saturday.

Mr Lan, also head of the election information board, added that the high turnout reflected voters' high sense of responsibility and political awareness.

Of the total 498 successful candidates, 154 were nominated by agencies and organisations of the central level, making up 30.92%; and 344 were nominated by localities, making up 69.08%. Eighty six or 17.27% of the elected candidates are of ethnic minority groups. Fourteen or 2.81% of the winning candidates are religious followers. One hundred and thirty six (136) women won election, holding 27.31% of total NA seats.

The number of non-Party member winners is 51, representing 10.24% of the total. Re-elected deputies number 135 making up 27.11% while 348 deputies or 69.8% are first-time deputies.

Only two of the 161 self-nominated candidates won the election. Twenty five represent the country's business circles, accounting for 5% of the total. Fifty six or 11.24% of the successful candidates are under 40 years old.

The oldest elected candidate is Most Venerable Thich Thanh Tu, born in 1927, a deputy of Hanoi capital, while the youngest is Nguyen Thi Ngoc Anh, born in 1979, of the northern province of Hai Duong.

Four hundred and sixty five or 93.37% of the winning candidates have completed tertiary education and higher with 126 or 25.3% being post-graduates.

Ho Chi Minh City has the highest number of deputies, 26, to the eleventh National Assembly, which is followed by the capital of Hanoi, 21, and the central province of Thanh Hoa, 17.