NA Chairman: Peace depends on independence and sovereighty

Peace can only be maintained on the basis of respect for each other's independence and sovereignty, non-intervention into each other's internal affairs, and equal co-operation for mutual benefits, stated Vietnam's National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Van An.

At the third General Assembly of the Association of Asian Parliaments for Peace (AAPP) in Chongqing, China on April 18, Mr An stressed that complexity and diversification in the world nowadays have neither dimmed nor changed the era's common trend for peace and stability for development.

"As conflicts and all-out wars are occurring in many parts in the world, with the heat taking place in the Middle East, and the arms race and terrorist acts have not been prevented but are on the rise, we have to make concerted efforts to strive for peace, the most precious value of humankind," stressed the Chairman An.

All nations should raise their sense of national independence, self-determination and self-reliance, being persistent in fighting hegemony, and joining their efforts for long lasting peace, Mr An noted, adding that peace is the prerequisite in international relations, as it lays a firm foundation for development.

In regard to Asia, the National Assembly leader expressed strong confidence that the region's plenty and large diversity of historic, cultural, traditional and religious values would bring peoples region-wide closer for further friendly and co-operative ties. The character of different cultures will be promoted in harmony with regional unity on the basis of respecting each other's independence and sovereignty, Mr An said, expressing his belief that the regional peoples will be advancing firmly on their own ways of development.

He also pledged the Vietnamese National Assembly's active contributions to the nation's renovation process, as well as the world peace cause.

He said "As a people who made a lot of sacrifices for national independence, reunification and peace, and are working hard for a prosperous country with an equitable, democratic and civilised society, the Vietnamese people have always shared deep sympathy with other peoples in the region and the world earnestly aspiring to peace. You will find Vietnam a reliable partner in the endeavour for peace and development."

On the sidelines of the event, National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Van An separately met with other Southeast Asian head delegates of the member countries of the Asian Inter-Parliamentary Organisation (AIPO).

As president of the 23rd AIPO General Assembly, Mr An informed his colleagues of the regional operations on drug control, and a plan to set up a parliament of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

The 23rd AIPO General Assembly is scheduled to meet in Hanoi from September 8-13. (VNA)