Vietnam pledges to contribute more to UNESCO's activities

Ha Noi, Oct. 17 (VNA) -- Viet Nam is willing to join other countries in contributing more to the action programmes of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), said Deputy Prime Minister Pham Gia Khiem at the organisation's 31st session in Paris, France, on Oct. 16.

Extolling the organisation's important role in the world's tendency of cooperation for peace and sustainable development, Khiem said Viet Nam, with experiences gained through its participation in UNESCO's programmes, hopes to join efforts to realise the noble targets of the organisation. He said: "For such reasons, Viet Nam wishes to stand for election to the Executive Council of the 31st General Assembly session and considers it a task and responsibility of a member to UNESCO's noble cause".

The Deputy PM affirmed that the cooperation between UNESCO and Viet Nam in recent years has made progress as many UNESCO programmes in Viet Nam have been carried out effectively.

He suggested the organisation give more assistance to national UNESCO Committees of developing countries, chiefly in training young workers, thus improving the efficiency of UNESCO's operation. He spoke of Viet Nam's efforts in implementing commitments in a framework argreement on 2000-2003 cooperation and said he hoped UNESCO would continue to help Viet Nam in preserving its tangible and intangible cultural heritage under the Law of Cultural Heritage passed by Viet Nam's National Assembly in June, upholding the role of women and families in the programmes to alleviate poverty and solve other social problems.

Regarding the medium-term 2002-2007 strategy of UNESCO, Deputy PM Khiem said poverty alleviation and use of scientific and technological advances in socio-economic development strategy were major issues for developing countries such as Viet Nam and need the cooperation between UNESCO member countries.

The Deputy PM said that Viet Nam supports the issuance of a statement on cultural diversity and on the respect of the basic principles of national independence, sovereignty and self-determination in solving political, economic, cultural and human rights problems and preventing the use or imposition of cultural values in any form as tools of political manoeuvres.

He stressed that in a world of increasing mutual-dependence, real cooperation should be based on equality, democracy and mutual respect of national sovereignty. Regarding the Sept. 11 event in the U.S., he said: "Viet Nam strongly opposes all international terrorist acts and supports efforts to rule out terrorism from human life, in conformity with international laws and the UN Charter. On the other hand, we are worried that the war in Afghanistan is threatening the life of innocent civilians and hope that the concerned sides refrain from spreading the war and try to find suitable measures soon to end the war and restore peace."--VNA