Seven sentences for security destabilisation in Central Highlands

Ha Noi, Sept. 26 (VNA) -- Seven sentences of between six and 11 years in prison were handed down to seven central highlanders for having destabilised public security in Dac Lac province.

The sentences were announced at a trial held by the People's Court of Dac Lac province with regard to a case of destabilising public security in Buon Ma Thuot city and other parts of Dac Lac province in the central highlands in early February this year.

Seven men named Y Nuen Bya, Y Rin Kpa, Y Nok Molo, Nay D'Ruk, Y Phen Ksor, Y B'Hiet Nie Kdam, and Y Tum Mlo, all residents of Dac Lac province, were incited by hostile forces exiling in the U.S. to set up a organisation in early 2000 in preparation for the setting up of a so-called "De Ga independent state" in the central highlands. They also intended to separate from the southern Protestant Church and form a new sect called the "De Ga Protestants".

On Feb. 2 and 3, 2001, the seven incited thousands of people in Ea Sup, Ea H'Leo, Buon Don, Krong Nang, and Krong Buk to arrive in Buon Ma Thuot provincial town to put pressure on authorities there, asking for the establishment of the "De Ga independent state". Their acts destabilised security and hampered normal operations of State offices in Buon Ma Thuot city and other localities.

Two days later, on Feb. 5 and 6, they gathered in Ea H'Leo to demonstrate. Many provocateurs damaged administrative offices and public property, opposed law enforcement forces, and undermined political and social order in the locality for several days.

At the court, all the defendants pleaded guilty, showed their repentance, and asked for leniency.--VNA