Vietnam-ROK joint Communique on cooperation

Ha Noi, Aug. 23 (VNA) -- A Viet Nam-RoK joint communique was released in Seoul today, Aug. 23, during the official visit to the Republic of Korea (RoK) by Vietnamese President Tran Duc Luong from Aug. 22-25.

The communique says that President Tran Duc Luong and his RoK counterpart, Kim Dae-jung, held talks during which they informed each other of the latest developments in their respective countries and exchanged views on orientations to further develop the friendship and cooperation between the two countries in the 21st century. The two leaders also discussed international and regional issues of mutual concern.

It goes on to say:

"The two Heads of State were pleased to know that development has been recorded in bilateral relations, politically, economically, socially, and culturally, on the basis of friendship and mutual trust that have been existing among the people since the two countries established diplomatic ties in 1992.

"To be concious of the opportunities and challenges facing the world in the 21st century and in order to further develop the existing cooperation, the two Heads of State agree to together build a "comprehensive partnership in the 21st century" on the principles of the United Nations Charter and international laws.

"They hold that the partnership will not only conform to the benefits of the two peoples but also make an important contribution to peace, stability, cooperation, and development in the Asian-Pacific region and around the world.

"With a view to furthering bilateral relations and building a 'comprehensive partnership in the 21st century', the two Presidents agreed to exchange more visits between government officials and leading politicians from both countries. Both sides hope to expand trade and investment as well as promote cooperation in industrial technology, natural resources, information technology, nuclear energy, construction, and aviation through the exchange of views among high-ranking officials. The two Heads of State agreed to organise meetings of the foreign ministers annually and alternatively in Ha Noi and Seoul to review and accelerate implementation of the 'comprehensive partnership' relations.

"The two Heads of State held that the exchange of visits by people of the two countries was vital to cementing the two countries' relations and agreed to cooperate more closely to promote the exchanges. They reaffirmed that cultural and artistic exchanges created a foundation for boosting bilateral relations by increasing mutual understanding between their cultures. They agreed to boost exchanges and cooperation in culture, education, arts, the media, sports, and tourism. They also agreed to boost the exchange of visits by the two countries' young people, the future leaders of both nations. They agreed to closely cooperate in organising activities to mark the 10th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two nations in 2002.

"The two Presidents agreed to boost bilateral cooperation within the framework of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations with China, Japan, and the RoK (ASEAN+3), the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum, the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), and the United Nations. They acknowledged that Viet Nam's joining the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and its integration into the world economy would contribute to sustainable economic growth and prosperity both in Viet Nam and around the region.

"President Kim congratulated President Luong for the great achievements the Vietnamese people had gained in the process of renewal and expressed hope that Viet Nam would obtain more successes in implementing socio-economic development tasks in the first decades of the 21st century. The RoK highly appreciates Viet Nam's foreign policy of independence, self-sovereignty, multilateralisation and diversification of international relations, considering the policy of openness to have positively contributed to peace and stability in the region.

"President Luong also praised the socio-economic achievements the RoK people had obtained during the past half century and their success in economic recovery from the recent financial and monetary crisis under the leadership of President Kim.

"President Luong also expressed his support for the settlement of existing problems in the Korean peninsula by peaceful means and through negotiations. He held that the Inter-Korean Summit in June last year and the recent measures had created a firm basis for peace in the Korean peninsula and for cooperation and reconciliation between the two Koreas. The two Presidents underlined the importance of convening a second Inter-Korean Summit in order to establish long-lasting peace on the Korean peninsula.

"The two Presidents expressed their belief that the results of their meeting would mark a new important milestone in the Viet Nam-RoK relationship, contributing to the development of the two countries' friendship and cooperation."--VNA