Vietnam and Indonesia assure of further cooperation

Ha Noi, Aug. 22 (VNA) -- Vietnamese President Tran Duc Luong and Indonesian President Megawati Soekarnoputri have expressed their determination to continue promoting bilateral cooperative relations between the two countries by boosting cooperation in commerce, investment, tourism, and culture. They also agreed to step up efforts for a resolution of the continental shelf issue between two nations.

The two Presidents began their talks in Ha Noi on the morning of Aug. 22.

President Luong welcomed President Megawati's first working visit to Viet Nam after establishing a new Government in Indonesia. He once again congratulated Megawati on her election as President of Indonesia and expressed his belief that under the leadership of President Megawati, the Indonesian people would gain even greater achievements in building Indonesia into a stable, developed, and prosperous country.

President Luong described the visit as an important event, making a new stage in the development of the two countries' traditional friendly and multi-faceted, cooperative relations which had been fostered by President Ho Chi Minh and President Soekarno. He affirmed Viet Nam's desire to continue developing its cooperation and friendship with Indonesia, a major country playing an important role in Southeast Asia, for the interest of the two countries and the region as a whole.

President Megawati said she believed that the visit would contribute to the expansion of relations between the two countries. She thanked the Vietnamese State, Government and people for their warm welcome.

In an atmosphere of friendship and mutual understanding, President Luong and President Megawati informed each other of the situation in their respective countries, discussed measures to promote cooperation between the two nations as well as within the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the region, and the world. They also exchanged views on international and regional issues of mutual concern.

President Megawati appreciated Viet Nam's policy of renewal and open-door foreign policy for accelerating the country's integration into the region and the world. She praised great achievements gained by Viet Nam in the process of renewal over the past 15 years, and her important contributions to peace, stability, cooperation, and development in Southeast Asia.

The two Presidents expressed satisfaction at the outcome of Mawagati's visit which, they both believed, would contribute to further strengthening and promoting the traditional friendly and cooperative ties between the two countries, meeting the aspirations and benefits of the two peoples, as well as for peace, stability, cooperation, development, and prosperity in the region and the world.

President Megawati invited President Luong to visit Indonesia. President Luong accepted the invitation with pleasure. The visit will be arranged later through diplomatic channels.

The talks took place in an atmosphere of friendship and mutual understanding, thus reflecting the fine sentiments and results of cooperation in various fields between the two nations.--VNA