Party leadership should be renovated- Gen. Secretary said

Ha Noi, Aug. 13 (VNA) -- General Secretary Nong Duc Manh says new working regulations for top Party officies should aim at renewing leadership methods and streamline their functioning.

The responsibilities of the Politburo, the National Assembly and the Government should also be clearly identified, he said at the opening of the third plenum of the Party Central Committee in Ha Noi on Aug. 13.

Mr.Manh called on all members of the CPVCC to change working style and adopt regulations governing the work regime of the new committee.

He also urged them to focus discussions on restructuring State-owned enterprises, saying this has become a vital and urgent issue.

The meeting is set to pass working regulations for the CPVCC; the Politburo; the Party Secretariat; the Party Inspection Commission; and the schedule for CPVCC plenums.

The Party leader said the regulations would identify the principles of leadership; responsibilities; vested power; regimes and style of working for each of the party offices, titles and positions among the highest echelons.

He added that the new draft of regulations presented at the Ha Noi meeting was one that would inherit essential values of the working regulations adopted by previous Party central committees.

It will also supplement, develop and specify new ideas to clarity the responsibilities, power, obligations and work style of each of the Politburo and Central Committee members.

The schedule for the incumbent Party Central Committee should overcome a limitation often confronted by previous Party central committees - the issuance of too many resolutions that could not be realised.

Mr.Manh said it was imperative to have a mid-term review to assess the implementation of resolutions adopted by the previous central committees, particularly by the eighth and ninth Party Congresses.

"This will be a major task to be included in the programme of action of this Party Central Committee," Mr.Manh said.

He demanded full attention from Party Central Committee members in discussing ways to improve the situation of State-owned enterprises.

This was an issue of major concern of the Party at three consecutive national congresses, he noted.

Streamlining of the SOEs would have a positive impact on the utilisation and exploitation of the country's main internal resources.

Mr. Manh said this would also help ensure the determinant role of the State sector in a multi-sectoral and socialist-oriented national economy, and make its participation in the regional and international integration process more effective.

The Party leader said that each of the participants should make frank recommendations so that there is comprehensive understanding of the situation, and optinum solutions can be found in reorganising SOEs and improving their operational efficiency.--VNA