Gov't promulgates measures to boost exports

Ha Noi, July 30 (VNA) -- The Government on July 26 promulgated decision 908/QD-TTg outlining measures to promote exports in the remaining months of the year.

Under the decision effective as of the signing date, export goods will be exempted from customs duties and all other fees related to export formalities within one year. The Finance Ministry will coordinate with provincial authorities to reduce fees for those engaged in trading in border areas.

The General Department of Customs has been asked to simplify its procedures and remove the need for traders to present their business contracts to customs officers.

The Government also ordered relevant agencies to facilitate good circulation at border areas.

Viet Nam registered an export turnover of USD 9.01 billion in the first seven months of this year and is striving to reach its yearly export target of USD 16.7 billion by the end of the year.

World market prices for the country's main export items such as rice, coffee, shoes and electronic applicances fell sharply in the first seven months of the year. For example, rice exports reached 2.37 million tonnes in the period under review, or a year-on-year increase of 21 percent. However, earnings from rice exports was only USD 386 million, up 1 percent, due to falling prices.--VNA