Gov't Degrees on residence prohibition and internet regulations

Ha Noi, Aug. 27 (VNA) --
* The Government on Aug. 23 issued Decree 53/2001/ND-CP guiding the implementation of residence prohibition and house arrest punishments.

The four-chapter, 21-article decree rules that residence prohibition is a supplementary punishment under which a convict is not allowed to temporarily or permanently reside in certain localities from one to five years after serving his/her imprisonment sentence.

House arrest is a supplementary punishment applicable to those who have been convicted of violating national security, repeating dangerous crimes, or comitting other crimes as stipulated by the Penal Code. The regulation rules that those convicts are forced to live, work, and rehabilitate themselves in a certain locality from one to five years as of the day they finish serving their imprisonment sentences.

The Decree will come into effect 15 days after its signing. All previous regulations that are contrary to this decree are annulled

* The Government on Aug. 23 issued Decree 55/2001/ND-CP on controlling, providing, and using internet services.

The Decree, comprising five chapters and 48 articles, contains general and concrete provisions on the setting up of networking equipment as well as the provision and use of internet services. Regulations on State management of internet services, covering petition, supervision, inspection, and handling of violations, are also included.

The Decree will take effect 15 days after its signing and replaces Decree 21/CP dated March 5, 1997. Point C in clause 3 and point C in clause 4 of Article 11 of Government Decree 79/CP dated June 19, 1997 are now annulled.--VNA