Government discussed plan of action

Ha Noi, July 31 (VNA) -- Viet Nam's government held its regular session on July 30-31 to further discuss its plan of action to realise the resolution passed by the recent ninth national Party congress, with a focus on socio-economic development.

Addressing the cabinet, Prime Minister Phan Van Khai asked the Government Office to work together with the Planning and Investment Ministry and other relevant ministries and agencies for early completion of the plan of action, after clarifying key issues and bold measures to increase the executive and managerial role of the Government.

The Government also discussed a project on managerial rule and development of Ho Chi Minh City presented by the municipal People's Committee Chairman Le Thanh Hai. The project was prepared early this year with the participation of various ministries and agencies.

Under the Prime Minister's decision, the Government will issue a document to accelerate the implementation of power decentralisation to Ho Chi Minh City in order to help it to be more active and dynamic in the course of development.

The cabinet spent much time discussing a draft strategy for education and training development between now and 2010 in favour of national industrialization and modernizatrion. PM Khai urged the Education and Training Ministry to make public the draft for all-people debates in order to make Viet Nam's strategy for education and training development equal to those of regional countries.

The Government also exchanged views on the issue of the Government's decree to develop small and medium-sized businesses in order to give a boost to the growth of the private-owned sector. Permanent Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung asked the Planning and Investment Ministry to finalise the draft decree and submit it to the Government for consideration in the near future.

Reviewing Viet Nam's socio-economic development in July as well as in the first seven months of the year, Nguyen Tan Dung said that the import-export operations are showing signs of a slowdown while the disbursement of capital for infrastructure construction projects is slow.

He urged all ministries and agencies to take bold measures to accelerate the implementation of the socio-economic plans set for the remaining six months and for the whole year of 2001 as well.

"Active preparations should be made to start the deployment of projects to build infrastrutural facilities as well as nitrogenous fertilizer and paper pulp production," the Deputy PM stressed.--VNA