Foreign funded projects for social development

Ha Noi, July 31 (VNA) --The Prime Minister approved a number of foreign-funded projects on HIV/AIDS prevention and social development.

The PM assigned the Ministry of Public Health to receive and implement a Luxembourg-funded project on the prevention of HIV/AIDS in Viet Nam. The project will be carried out on a trial bais in northern provinces of Hai Duong and Ha Tay and southern provinces of Dong Nai and Kien Giang in 2001 and 2002.

Another project for local community's operations to prevent HIV/AIDS, funded by Asian Development Bank's USD 3 million non-refundable aid, was assigned to the National Committee for Population and Planning.

The PM approved the third phase of a project on support for budget reform financed by the German Government's 2 million-Deutch mark non-refundable aid. The Finance Ministry is appointed to implement the project.

Meanwhile, the Government allowed the central province of Quang Tri to defuse ordinance using USD 952,900 of foreign aid. The project will be carried out over 32 months.--VNA