List of projects calling for foreign investment in 2001-2005


1. New Exploration and exploitation

Project name: New Exploration and exploitation


- Gulf of Tonskin:

+ Block 104, 107

+ Block 110, 113, 114

- The Central area:

+ Block 115, 122

+ Block 135, 136

- The Southern Con Son area

+ Block 04.1; 04.2; 05.1B; 10; 11.1; from 18 to 24

- The South-West from Block 41 to 45

Note: PSC/JV

2. Gas pipelines

Project name: Gas pipelines

Location: West-South on-shore (from PM-3-CAA to Mekong delta)

Specification: Gas pipelines with:

- 289 km off-shore and 43 km on-shore longs

- 1.5 billion m3/year designed output and 3 billion m3/year maximum output

Note: JV

3. Plant No.2 for oil refinery and petro-chemical

Project name: Plant No.2 for oil refinery and petro-chemical

Specification: 6 million tones/year

Note: JV-BOT


4. Cars