PM Phan Van Khai praises contribution of Protestants

Ha Noi, June 19 (VNA)-- Prime Minister Phan Van Khai has praised Vietnamese Protestants' contributions to the national construction and defence.

The Government leader expressed his satisfaction while receiving a delegation of the (Southern) Viet Nam Protestant Church led by its Head Father Pham Xuan Thieu, in Ha Noi on June 19.

The Prime Minister also reaffirmed the Party and State's unchangeable policy to respect and ensure freedom of religion and non-religion, and encourage progressive religious practice in the interest of the nation and the people.

He also spoke of the socio-economic development in the last ten years of renewal, emphasizing challenges emerging during the national construction and development.

He said he hoped the entire people, religious or non-religious, would join efforts in implementing the Party and State's policy of great national unity in building Viet Nam into an industrialised country by 2020 as set by the Ninth National Party Congress.

Father Pham Xuan Thieu expressed thanks to the Prime Minister and the Government for their help to bring the (Southern) Protestant Church's first Congress to success.

He also promised to mobilise around half a million Protestants, mostly residing in the southern part, to live the gospel amidst the nation and contribute to the national development.--VNA