Resolution of the IX National Party Congress

Ha Noi, April 22 (VNA) -- The ninth National Congress of the Communist Party of Viet Nam released a resolution in Ha Noi today, April 22, at the end of the congress.

The resolution says:

"The ninth National Representatives Congress of the Communist Party of Viet Nam held in Ha Noi from April 19-22 resolves:

"1. To adopt the Political Report, the Strategy for Socio-Economic Development for Ten Years from 2001-2010 and the Report on Orientation, Tasks and Plans for Socio-Economic Development for Five Years from 2001-2005 of the Party Central Committee, Eighth Tenure; to assign the Party Central Committee, Ninth Tenure, to, basing on the results of the votes and conclusions of the Congress, complete and officially promulgate the documents.

"2. To endorse the whole supplemented and amended Statute of the Communist Party of Viet Nam.

"3. To assign the Party Central Committee, Ninth Tenure, and Party Committees of all levels to build plans and detailed action programmes for successful implementation of the line and orientations mentioned in the Congress documents.

"The ninth National Representatives Congress of the Communist Party of Viet Nam calls on the entire Party, people and army to uphold the revolutionary heroism, to promote the glorious tradition and unity strength of the entire nation and entire Party, to persist in the objective for national independence and socialism, to seize opportunities, to overcome challenges, to continue with the process of renovation, to accelerate industrialisation and modernisation, to build and defend the socialist Vietnamese Fatherland for a rich people, a strong country and an equitable, democratic and civilized society, thus firmly advancing into the 21st century."--VNA