Press Communique on 4th, last working day of the IX Congress

Ha Noi, April 22 (VNA) -- Delegates to the ninth National Party Congress continued delivering speeches and the Presidium of the Congress presented a report on the acknowledgement of opinions by delegates at the Ba Dinh Hall in the morning of Sunday, April 22, the fourth and last working day of the Congress.

Phan Van Khai, member of the Standing Board of the Party Central Committee's Political Bureau and Prime Minister, chaired the session.

Six delegates addressed this morning session, bringing to 26 Vietnamese speakers representing local and central Party organizations. The Presidium of the Congress also received 36 papers from delegates, which could not be presented at the Congress due to the limit of time, and they will be fully printed in the Abstracts of the Congress.

The Congress heard 33 foreign delegates representing international friends to salute the ninth National Congress during its three previous working day.

Nguyen Phu Trong, on behalf of the Presidium, delivered the Presidium's report on delegates' discussions on all documents presented at the Congress. Since the announcement of draft documents for public comments (Feb.3, 2001), millions of comments and suggestions on these documents have been made by people of all walks of life in all localities across the country. At the Congress, 1,850 opinions were presented at group discussions and 62 speeches were sent to the Presidium. Almost all the speeches and opinions showed their consensus with the contents of the documents. The Presidium requested the Congress to approve 21 issues directly relating to the Political Report, 13 issues concerning the 2001-2010 socio-economic development strategy and the orientations and tasks of the 2001-2005 five-year plan, and 12 issues relating to the Party building and rectification as well as amendments and supplements to the Party Statutes.

The Congress adopted the report of the Presidium.

The afternoon session was presided over by Tran Duc Luong, member of the Standing Board of the Party Central Committee's Political Bureau.

Hong Vinh, member of the Party Central Committee, on behalf of the Congress Secretariat and empowered by the Congress Presidium, delivered a report on the approval of a number of issues relating to the contents of documents submitted to the Congress.

Ho Duc Viet, member of the Party Central Committee, on behalf of the Congress Secretariat, read the full text of the draft revised Party Statutes.

Tran Duc Luong requested the Congress to approve the draft revised Party Statutes.

The Congress adopted the revised Statutes.

Nguyen Van An, Politburo member, on behalf of the Presidium, presented a report on the results of the elections to the ninth Party Central Committee and its Political Bureau, General Secretary, Secretariat and Inspection Commission as well as the Commission's Chairman.

Nguyen Van An said the Congress had cast ballots to elect the 150-member ninth Party Central Committee, and at its first plenary session, the new Party Central Committee elected the 15-member Political Bureau, including:

1. Nong Duc Manh

2. Tran Duc Luong

3. Phan Van Khai

4. Nguyen Minh Triet

5. Nguyen Tan Dung

6. Le Minh Huong

7. Nguyen Phu Trong

8. Phan Dien

9. Le Hong Anh

10. Truong Tan Sang

11. Pham Van Tra

12. Nguyen Van An

13. Truong Quang Duoc

14. Tran Dinh Hoan

15. Nguyen Khoa Diem

The Central Committee elected Nong Duc Manh as General Secretary of the Party Central Committee (ninth tenure).

The Central Committee also elected four secretaries to form a 9-member Secretariat of the Party Central Committee, which also comprises five members of the Political Bureau. The Secretariat includes:

1. Nong Duc Manh

2. Le Hong Anh

3. Nguyen Van An

4. Tran Dinh Hoan

5. Nguyen Khoa Diem

6. Le Van Dung

7. Tong Thi Phong

8. Truong Vinh Trong

9. Vu Khoan

The Central Committee elected Le Hong Anh as Chairman of its Inspection Commission which includes 10 members.

The Congress warmly congratulated Nong Duc Manh for being elected as the General Secretary of the Party Central Committee (ninth tenure) and the newly-elected members of the Political Bureau, the Secretariat and the Inspection Commission as well as the Chairman of the Commission.

Le Kha Phieu, General Secretary of the eighth Party Central Committee, presented flowers to Nong Duc Manh and took the floor, expressing his thanks to all Party members and international friends for their cooperation and support during his term of office.

Nong Duc Manh expressed gratitude to the Congress for having elected him as the General Secretary of the ninth Party Central Committee, thanked and presented flowers to Le Kha Phieu, Vo Chi Cong, Do Muoi, Le Duc Anh and Vo Van Kiet.

Tran Dinh Hoan, chief of the Congress Secretariat, delivered a report on a draft Resolution of the ninth national Party Congress.

Tran Duc Luong requested the Congress to approve the draft Resolution of the ninth national Party Congress.

The Congress adopted the Resolution which approves the Political Report, the 2001-2010 Socio-economic Development Strategy, the Report on Orientations and Tasks for the 2001-2005 Socio-economic Development and the revised Party Statutes.

Newly-elected Party General Secretary Nong Duc Manh delivered a closing speech. He said:

"The outcome of the ninth national Party Congress is of paramount significance as it opens up a new stage of national development in the first decades of the 21st century. The outcome affirms the entire Party and people's determination to firmly step in a new period - that of accelerating national industrialization and modernization for a prosperous people, a strong country, an equitable, democratic and civilized society.

"Our nation's future is bright, however untold difficulties and trials are still ahead of our path. The success of our renewal process in a new stage depends on our abilities to realize and actively seize opportunities and overcome the dangers being encountered by our country, each branch, sector and area. Therefore, in his/her perception and action, each official, Party member and ordinary people must profoundly understand the line, viewpoints and policies laid down by the ninth national Party congress, and uphold national patriotism and self-reliance, as well as broaden external relations, strengthen political firmness and firmly seize opportunities, overcome dangers to ensure national stability and development."

General Secretary Nong Duc Manh said: "The Congress profoundly acknowledges Comrade Le Kha Phieu's contributions. He has made active contributions to the efforts to strengthen the leadership of the Party Central Committee and the Political Bureau in order to ensure national stability and development, the expansion of external relations and raising Viet Nam's position in the region and the world as a whole since he assumed the task of a General Sectetary of the Party Central Committee till now. He made important contributions to leading the implementation of the Resolution of the Party Central Committee's sixth plenum (second phase) on Party building and rectification, on internal unity and promoting democracy in the activities of the Party Political Bureau and Central Committee; and actively fought corruption. He leads a simple daily life, has close contacts with the people and always listen to their opinions."

General Secretary Nong Duc Manh appreciated contributions by Advisors to the Party Central Committee Do Muoi, Le Duc Anh and Vo Van Kiet. He said the advisors had made further contributions to the Party and the country's revolutionary cause since they assumed the tasks as advisors to the Party Central Committee. They had given many opinions to the leadership of the Party Central Committee and Political Bureau, thus contributing to the successful implementation of the tasks of the eighth Party Congress.

General Secretary Nong Duc Manh stressed: "The success of the Congress is a great source of strength in further strengthening the unity of the whole Party and the national unity as well."

The ninth national Party Congress closed at 16:15 hrs on April 22, 2001.

The ninth national Party Congress called on the entire Party, people and army to uphold the revolutionary heroism, enhance glorious tradition and strength of great unity of the nation and the Party to persist in the objective of national independence and socialism, seize opportunities, overcome challenges, continue renewal, promote national industrialization and modernization, build and defend the socialist Vietnamese homeland for a prosperous people, a strong country and an equitable, democratic and civilized society while firmly advancing forwards in the 21st century.

Immediately after the closing session, Party General Secretary Nong Duc Manh met with Vietnamese and foreign reporters and answered their questions.--VNA