CPV Central Committee opens its 12th plenum

Ha Noi, Apr. 7 (VNA) -- The Communist Party of Viet Nam Central Committee, CPVCC, opened its 12th plenary meeting in Ha Noi on Apr. 7.

The meeting aims to complete the draft documents to be presented to the upcoming 9th National Party Congress and continue introducing candidates to the new Central Committee for approval by the ninth congress.

It will also give opinions about the draft agenda, procedures and electoral regulations for submission to the congress.

Party officials presented recommendations to Congress documents based on suggestions and comments from the Central Committee and people from all walks of life.

In his opening speech, General Secretary Le Kha Phieu, said the 12th plenum had a busy agenda and was significant because that it had a direct influence on the success of the Congress. He asked the Central Committee to fulfil its agenda with a high sense of responsibility and through democratic discussion.

The plenum was attended by CPVCC advisors Do Muoi, Le Duc Anh and Vo Van Kiet.--VNA