Closing session of the IX Party Congress

Ha Noi, Apr. 22 (VNA) -- The ninth National Congress of the Communist Party of Viet Nam, CPV, held its closing session in Ha Noi on April 22.

At this session, the Congress heard the Presidium reporting on the results of votes on issues belonging to the documents of the ninth National Congress of the CPV, the results of elections of the Party Central Committee, ninth tenure, the results of the elections of the Political Bureau, the General Secretary, the Secretariat, the Inspection Board and the Chairman of the Inspection Board of the CPV Central Committee. The Congress adopted the Statute of the Communist Party of Viet Nam and the Resolution of the ninth National Representatives Congress of the Communist Party of Viet Nam.

The Congress elected 150 Party members to the CPV Central Committee, ninth tenure.

At its first plenary session, the Party Central Committee elected Mr. Nong Duc Manh as General Secretary, a 15 Political Bureau members, four secretaries of the CPV Central Committee to form a nine-member CPV Central Committee's Secretariat, which includes five Political Bureau members.

The Party Central Committee elected a nine-member Inspection Board headed by Mr Le Hong Anh.

General Secretary of the CPV Central Committee of the eighth tenure Le Kha Phieu addressed the closing session, congratulating General Secretary Nong Duc Manh and the entire leadership of the Party Central Committee of the ninth tenure.

In his closing speech, Party General Secretary Nong Duc Manh said:

"The documents approved by the ninth Congress are the products of intellect, reflecting the will and determination of the entire Party and people and the creative application and development of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh Thought and mankind's values in the current revolutionary stage of our country. The line set forth by the ninth Congress serves as a new step of development and concretization of the 1991 Political Platform and a continuation of the lines of the sixth, seventh and eighth Congresses of the Party.

"The ninth Congress strongly affirmed the goals and ideal of connecting national independence with socialism, going on with the renovation process, accelerating national industrialisation and modernisation, building and defending the socialist Vietnamese Fatherland, and firmly advancing to the 21st century.

"Important political decisions contained in the ninth Congress documents allow us to affirm that the Congress marks a new step of growth of the Party and meets the entire Party and people's will and aspiration."

The Party leader added: "The results of the ninth National Congress is of great significance, opening a new stage in the development of the country in early decades of the 21st century. Such results manifest the entire Party and people's determination to firmly enter a new stage - the stage of accelerating national industrialisation and modernisation for a prosperous people, a strong country, and an equitable, democratic and civilized society.

"Our nation's future is bright. However, the way ahead still has difficulties and trials. The success of the renovation cause in the new stage depends on the possibility of recognizing and actively taking opportunity, and overcoming difficulties of the country as well as of each branch, sector and locality. Therefore, each official, Party member and citizen should in their awareness and acts deeply imbue with the line, viewpoints and decisions set forth by the ninth Congress and uphold the spirit of patriotism and national self-reliance while expanding relations with friends in the world, drilling skills and spirit, taking opportunity, overcoming dangers and ensuring stabilisation and development of the country. All Party Committees and organizations should focus on studying and grasping thoroughly and be determined to realize the ninth Party Congress Resolution and to make it into reality.

"To fulfil the tasks towards the nation in the new period, requirements, both basic and urgent, for our Party are to continue accelerating the drive to build and adjust the Party to make it more transparent and strong in qualification, intellect, ideology, politics, organization and leading and fighting capacity; bring into full play advantages and redeem mistakes; develop new factors while actively fighting and driving back negative phenomena, particularly bureaucracy, corruption and wastefulness in order to build a strong Party from Party cells and grassroots Party organizations. These are decisive factors to the success of the implementation of the ninth Party Congress Resolution and a vital factor to the destiny of the Party."

After praising contributions to the Party by members of the CPV Central Committee and Political Bureau (eighth tenure) who were not re-elected to the Party Central Committee, ninth tenure, by Advisors to the Party Central Committee Do Muoi, Le Duc Anh and Vo Van Kiet, and important contributions by Le Kha Phieu, General Secretary Manh said:

"The Congress sincerely thanks foreign delegations of Communist, Workers and ruling Parties for bringing in friendly and sincere sentiments to the Congress, the Party and people of Viet Nam and for contributing to the success of the Congress.

"The Congress would like to express sincere thanks to diplomatic missions, international organizations in Viet Nam for their attendance, and domestic and foreign mass media agencies for attending, carrying and broadcasting timely news on the Congress.

"From this solemn forum, the Congress also would like to extend its gratitude and profound solidarity of the Party and people of Viet Nam to Communist and Workers' Parties, people and friends from all parts of the world who have granted whole-hearted support to the revolutionary cause of the Vietnamese people over the past more than seven decades as well as to the present renewal cause."

He went on to say: "The success of the Congress is a new and great source of strength for the further promotion of solidarity and unity within the entire Party and the national great unity block. The way ahead, filled with both new advantages and opportunities as well difficulties and challenges, requires the entire Party and people to unite as one and strive for overcoming.

"The first task is to organize the strict implementation of the Resolution of the Congress, translate the Resolution into actions in life, thus making new breakthroughs in organizing the implementation of the Resolution of the ninth Party Congress," the Party leader said in conclusion.--VNA