PM Directive on Year of Social Volunteers for vulnerable children

Ha Noi, Mar. 13 (VNA) -- The Prime Minister has issued a directive to facilitate the implementation of "The year of social volunteers for children living in special difficulities" (2001-2002).

The PM assigns the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (HCM CYU) Central Committee to organize the implementation of a plan of action on "The year of social volunteers for children living in special difficulities". He said special attention should be given to Agent Orange-affected children, disabled children, orphans, street children and abused children. Children addicted to drugs, infected by HIV, and child law-breakers should also receive special care. The voluntary spirit of individuals, socio-economic and international organizations to care for vulnerable children shall be encouraged, the directive says.

He assigns ministers, ministerial level officials, chairmen of provincial and municipal people's committees to strengthen the leadership of Party committees at the grassroots level in protecting, caring for, and educating children and carrying out the PM decision dated May 31, 1999 on a plan of action for children living in special difficulities and the national plan of action for Vietnamese children for the 2001-2010 period.

The PM asks mass media agencies to actively disseminate information about the Party and Government's policies and regulations on child care, protection and education. Mass media agencies are recommended to highlight and praise good examples in protecting, caring for and educating children, particularly the vulnerable group, and strongly condemn child abuse in all forms.

He asks the Presidium of the Viet Nam Fatherland Front Central Committee to act as advisor to the HCM CYU during the year of social volunteers for children living in special difficulities.

The Committee for Child Care and Protection and the HCM CYU Central Committee are asked to monitor the implementation of the directive and submit quarterly reports to the PM.

The year 2001 has been declared by the United Nations the "International Year of Volunteers". The HCM CYU, therefore, has launched the year of social volunteers for children living in special difficulties in 2001-2002.

Vietnamese children in general and the vulnerable group in particular have received better care since the promulgation of the Law on Child Care and Protection and the Government-approved plan of action on protecting children living in special difficulties for the 1999-2001 period.

However, the number of poor children, orphans, street children, Agent Orange-affected children, disabled children, abused children and child law breakers is on the rise in the country. This situation prompts families, mass organizations, relevant agencies and the community to coordinate actions to help vulnerable kids have a better life.--VNA