FM Spokespeson on FIR control over East Sea

Ha Noi, Mar. 10 (VNA) -- The International Civil Aviation Organisation, ICAO's, recent agreement for a test application of an air-route structure over the East Sea does not concern the issue of national sovereignty over the archipelagoes and the waters of the East Sea, said a Foreign Ministry spokesperson on March 10.

The spokesperson was responding to questions from some reporters to an article published by Hong Kong's Mingbao on Mar. 8 about flight information region (FIR) control over the East Sea.

The spokesperson said that the agreement, released on Dec. 18, 2000 by the ICAO President in Montreal, Canada, was merely a temporary technical agreement for air-route management for the international civil aviation service, and that it did not concern the issue of national sovereignty over archipelagoes and waters of on the East Sea.
"As everybody knows, Viet Nam has time and again affirmed its viewpoint on Hoang Sa, Paracel, and the Truong Sa, Spratly, archipelagoes," he said.--VNA