Vietnamese leaders receive Cuban Foreign Minister

Ha Noi, Feb. 23 (VNA) -- President Tran Duc Luong and National Assembly Chairman Nong Duc Manh both welcomed the talks between Vietnamese and Cuban Foreign Ministers as promoting friendship and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries.

President Luong and Chairman Manh separately received the visiting Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque on separately in Ha Noi today, Feb. 23.

They said the talks between the foreign ministers had worked out ways to boost friendship and multifaceted cooperation between Viet Nam and Cuba - two countries that had stood shoulder-by-shoulder in past struggles for national independence while constantly promoting cooperation in the interest of both peoples, for peace, stability, cooperation and development in their respective regions and the world.

The Vietnamese leaders also told their guest that they were pleased at the great achievements of the Cuban people in national construction and defence.

President Luong asked the Cuban Foreign Minister to convey his best wishes to President Fidel Castro Ruz and other Cuban leaders as well as invitation for President Fidel Castro to visit Viet Nam.

He said that he hoped the Cuban people under the leadership of the Cuban Communist Party and President Fidel Castro would attain even higher achievements in national development and defence.

Foreign Minister Roque praised the achievements of the Vietnamese people in their process of renovation under the leadership of the Viet Nam Communist Party.

He briefed his Vietnamese hosts about the socio-economic situation in his country. He conveyed Presidient Fidel Castro's best regards to President Luong.

Welcoming Cuba's Foreign Minister and his entourage, National Assembly Chairman Nong Duc Manh said that as a loyal friend and comrade, Viet Nam strongly supported the Cuban revolution and would do all it could for the Cuban people.

He said he wanted closer ties between the legislatures of the two countries so they could exchange views and experience and further enhance their coordination at regional and international forums.

Manh told the Cuban Foreign Minister - who held working sessions the same day with Director of the National Assembly's External Relations Committee Do Van Tai - that he accepted with pleasure an invitation from President of Cuba's National Assembly of People's Power, R. Alarcon, to visit Havana and would do so at a convenient time.

Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Manh Cam received the Cuban Foreign Minister in the afternoon and said that the Vietnamese people were delighted with the advancement in Cuba's domestic and external policy. They also believed that the Cuban people would continue to gain achievements in the country's just revolutionary cause, national construction and development.

The Deputy Prime Minister exchanged views with his guest about regional and international issues of common concern.

The Cuban Foreign Minister stressed that Viet Nam's great solidarity with and support of the Cuban people was incomparable. He attributed Cuba's achievements over recent past to the great contributions and support of the world's people, particular Vietnamese.--VNA