Vietnam supports nuclear disarmament goals

(VNA) Vietnam strongly supports nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons to reach a nuclear weapon-free world, said Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung.

PM Dung made the remarks while meeting with US Vice President Joseph Biden and other heads of delegations on April 12 on the sideline of the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington from April 12-15.

PM Dung along with the participants discussed priority issues of international community regarding nuclear security over the past years.

At the meeting, the Vietnamese Prime Minister said Vietnam wishes to take advantages of nuclear energy for the country’s development.

He underlined the significance of the summit as well as the upcoming meeting to review the implementation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) scheduled to take place in May, which he said would be good opportunities for nations that want to perform their political will and commitment on nuclear disarmament as well as non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. Such events will also promote the safety uses of nuclear for peaceful purposes, including nuclear security, he added.

The mentioned issues need to be solved generally in an effort to reach stable progress, fulfilling the target of an atom for peace era, he said./.
VNA 13/04/2010 - Vietnam gives top priority to safety and security in developing the application of nuclear energy, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung said at the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington on April 13.
Consequently, Vietnam has actively built and completed a legal basis and a management agency system on control, safety and security in using nuclear materials and radioactive substances, he added.

In his speech, the PM stressed Vietnam’s strong support and contributions to international efforts on disarmament and the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, combating terrorism in all forms and promoting the use of safe, secure nuclear energy for peaceful purposes for the benefit of nations.

Vietnam has welcomed the recent signing of the strategic arms reduction treaty between Russia and the United States, PM Dung said, describing the event as an important step forward in the common effort towards a nuclear weapon-free world.

He noted that Vietnam has joined a number of important international treaties related to the issue, and affirmed the Vietnamese Government’s decision to participate in the nuclear safety treaty and back the global initiative against nuclear terrorism.

As ASEAN Chair in 2010, Vietnam has actively made contributions to building a prosperous and nuclear weapon-free South East Asian region, the PM said.

The country’s awareness and responsibility are also shown in its involvement in a series of international programmes and initiatives. These include cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the US and Russia on converting highly-enriched uranium into usable nuclear fuel at a research reactor, and cooperation with the European Union, Japan and the US in the use of radiation detecting equipment at seaports in Vietnam.

As a nation accelerating its application of nuclear energy and beginning a nuclear electricity programme, Vietnam is willing to expand international cooperation in the area, the PM said, adding that the country signed bilateral nuclear cooperation agreements with Russia, China, France, India, the Republic of Korea, and Argentina, along with a memorandum of understanding on cooperation with the US.

PM Dung affirmed Vietnam’s support for orientations and overall measures in the summit’s draft documents, including enhancement of effectiveness of available treaties, mechanisms, international organisations, the responsibilities of nations, and the involvement of nuclear industries in each country.

The PM also stressed the need to meet the concerns of developing countries regarding the safe, secure and effective application of nuclear energy, creating the necessary conditions for the IAEA’s operations.

PM Dung took this opportunity to thank the international community and express the wish to continue cooperating with it in the application of nuclear energy for purposes of peace and development./.