Defence chief: boost integration but maintain independence

Defence Minister Phung Quang Thanh has reaffirmed Vietnam’s external policy of independence along with global integration at the end of his visit to the US and France.

Thanh told Vietnam News Agency (VNA) that the Defence Ministry has established relations with 60 foreign counterparts and has sent attachés to dozens of countries. In return, over 20 countries have opened defence attaché offices in Vietnam.

Thanh quoted Party resolutions as saying that “those countries which respect independence, sovereignty, unification and territorial integrity of Vietnam as well as cooperate with Vietnam in the principle of equality and non-interference into each other’s internal affairs for mutual interest are all considered partners and subject to relation strengthening.”

He emphasised the country’s effort in taking initiative in developing defence relations, both bilaterally and multi-laterally, and participating in all ASEAN operations as well as in the Asian-Pacific region.

“ Vietnam is joining hands with other regional countries to build an ASEAN community by 2015 that will be based on four major pillars of politics, security, economics and culture,” Thanh said.

The defence chief also gave analysis on the Southeast Asian security situation where advantages and challenges co-exist.

“The region has managed to maintain peace, stability, cooperation and development. However, challenges, both traditional and non-traditional, are ahead, especially piracy, smuggling, drug-related crimes, weaponry and human trafficking. In addition, natural calamities, epidemics and several other problems are looming over the region.”

“When these problems are occurring at seas, we need bilateral and multi-lateral cooperation from other countries in the region and other parts of the world.”

He pointed out the need to strengthen international cooperation in defence, which he said helps boost friendship, mutual understanding and assistance in order to maintain peace and stability in Southeast Asia.

“It is a key factor to facilitate development not only in Vietnam but other regional countries.”

Thanh emphasised security at seas as a top priority in the Vietnamese army’s international cooperation policy.

“It is because sea waters in the region are frequented by a large number of international ships and disputes among neighbouring countries remain. To cope with the problem, we have been cooperating with Chinese, Cambodian and Thai marines in conducting joint patrols over sea waters and set up hotlines with these countries. Such a model of cooperation is expected to take shape with Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines soon.”

If making progress, the cooperation will contribute to strengthening security and order at seas, thus providing a safe environment for fishermen to make their living, Thanh said.

“In addition, Vietnam has reached agreement of cooperation with other countries in rescues, natural disaster control and personnel training,” the defence minister informed./.