Mr. Le Cong Dinh was arrested for his law-breaking activities

Regarding Vietnam’s reaction on the Statement dated on 22nd June, 2009 by EU Heads of Mission on the arrest of Mr. Le Cong Dinh, Vietnamese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Mr.Le Dung said:

It should be asserted that Mr. Le Cong Dinh was arrested for his law-breaking activities and collusion with some elements abroad in undertaking activities aiming at overthrowing and undermining the State of Vietnam. Mr. Le Cong Dinh himself did admit his violation.

The arrest of Mr. Le Cong Dinh by the Security Investigation Bureau is Vietnam’s internal affair, in conformity with the procedures of the Vietnamese laws and completely in line with international laws including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). In Vietnam, the right to freedom of expression of all citizens is guaranteed by law and exercised in reality.

It is neccessary and normal that all countries in the world, including those of the European Union, deals with law-breakers in order to safeguard national security, social order and people’s safety.

Regrettably, although sufficient information has been provided and opinions relating to the issue have been exchanged during a recent dialogue between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam and the EU Troika, the statement of the EU Heads of Mission in Hanoi is biased and interferes in Vietnam’s internal affairs./.