Concerning the DPRK’s announcement of a nuclear test on 25 May 2009

Vietnamese Foreign Ministry's Spokesman Mr.Le Dzung answered question regarding Vietnam's reaction on DPRK's announcemnet of a nuclear test on 25th May 2009:

Vietnam is gravely concerned with DPRK’s announcement of a nuclear test on 25 May 2009. This action will complicate the situation and does not serve the interest of peace and stability in the region.
It is Vietnam’s consistent policy to support a comprehensive ban on nuclear testing, non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and movement toward completely eliminating this kind of weapons.
Vietnam supports peace, stability on and denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and stands ready to contribute to the common efforts of the international community to maintain peace and stability in the Asia- Pacific region.
We call on concerned parties to exercise utmost restraint and resolve complicated issues that may arise through peaceful means, including early resumption of the six-party talks.