Agent Orange Consequences Displayed in New York

Japanese photographer Goro Nakamura’s compassionate exhibition on Vietnamese Agent Orange (AO) dioxin victims opened in New York Thursday.

Through back and white photos portraying the horrific consequences of AO/dioxin on people and environment in Vietnam, Nakamura sends a message of sympathy for the victims of the brutal chemical.

In his opening speech, Nakamura said that he has engaged himself and his work with AO/dioxin issues since the American war in Vietnam ended more than 30 years ago.

Though the war has come and gone, the aftermath of the AO/dioxin sprayed by the US army during its campaign in Vietnam still directly affects people’s health and still results in many congenital defects in newborn children.

In 2000, Nakamura held a photo exhibition on the same topic in both Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.

Nakamura said that he will donate all money raised from the sale of photos to Vietnam’s relief organisations for AO/dioxin victims.

Source: VNA