Vietnam’s Achievements in Human Development Impressive

Vietnam’s achievements in human development are impressive, Agnes van Ardenne, Minister for Development Co-operation of the Netherlands, said in Hanoi on September 6 before concluding her two-day working visit to Vietnam.

The minister said that in the 30 years following the end of the war and 20 years after the implementation of the renovation (Doi Moi) process, Vietnam had risen from the ashes like a phoenix. The Human Development Report 2005 gives special mention to Vietnam as a successful globaliser. As well as an export-oriented development strategy, Vietnam’s success was due to a commitment to equality, investment in education, and a gradual liberalisation and market diversification.

“In this respect, Vietnam serves as an example to other developing nations,” she said.

Minister Ardenne also praised the socio-economic achievements of Vietnam over the past years. Since the start of the “Doi Moi” process in 1986, Vietnam’s economy has consistently grown, while poverty has been halved. Vietnam is well on track to achieve its Millennium Development Goals by 2015 or even earlier.

“I am particularly impressed by Vietnam’s success at improving maternal health and reducing child mortality. For example, mortality among pregnant women is now less than half of what it was in 1990,” she said.

The minister noted that Vietnam is not just a pioneer when it came to UN reforms, but also to harmonization in general. With its Hanoi Core Statement, Vietnam aimed to rally donors around a country-owned development agenda.

“The Netherlands appreciates this type of leadership and has therefore aligned its development aid with Vietnam’s Socio-economic Development Plan for 2006-2010,” the minister added.

Vietnam and the Netherlands established diplomatic relations in 1973. Since 1997, the Netherlands has had a long-term development relationship with Vietnam with special emphasis on good governance, water, environment, reproductive healthcare and equal rights for men and women.

In 2005, Holland’s exports to Vietnam amounted to 147.2 million euros while importing 373 million euros goods from Vietnam, mainly footwear, clothing and machinery. In 2006, Vietnam will receive more than 37 million euros of development assistance from the Netherlands.
