Vietnam Elected President, PM and National Assembly Chairman

At its Tuesday morning session, National Assembly (NA) deputies neared a report on the list of candidates to be elected to the post of the State President which was proposed by the NA Standing Committee.

images948939_NguyenMinhTriet.jpgIn his report, Nguyen Van Thuan, head of the vote-counting board, announced that Mr Triet received 417 ballots in favour out of total 473 counted, accounting for 94.12 percent.

In his swearing-in address, Mr Triet thanked the NA for placing great trust in him, saying this is a great honnour and a heavy task assigned by the Party, the NA and people.

The new State President affirmed, I will do my utmost to serve the nation and people and fulfil all tasks delegated to the State President according to the law.

Mr Triet said that over the past years, the Doi Moi (renewal) process initiated and guided by the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) has recorded tremendous achievements, helping improve people’s living standards and heighten Vietnam’s international position.

To contribute to successfully accomplishing the tasks of national construction and defence, in my new position, I wish to receive wholehearted cooperation from NA deputies, great support from all people living inside and outside the country, and regular assistance from social organisations to help me accomplish all tasks assigned by the NA. The achievements obtained by the Party and State in internal and external relations over the past years were partially attributed contributions by former State President Tran Duc Luong, my predecessor.

President Nguyen Minh Triet said: “In my new position, I promise to enhance my responsibility, continue studying and training myself, closely co-operate with the NA Standing Committee, the Government, the People’s Supreme Court, the Supreme People’s Procuracy, the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee, and all sectors and departments, and listen to people’s opinions. I will try my best to fulfil my tasks assigned by the Party, the National Assembly and people, contribute to successfully implementing the tasks set at the 10th National Party Congress, take care of internal and foreign affairs, ensure national defence and security, build a strong national unity bloc, build a law-governed socialist State of the people, for the people and by the people and achieve the goal of rich people, a strong country, and an equal, democratic and civilized society, to enable Vietnam to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with other nations in the world.”

After his swearing-in address, President Nguyen Minh Triet introduced Nguyen Tan Dzung, member of the Political Bureau, Permanent Deputy Prime Minister, and deputy to the 11th National Assembly to hold the post of Prime Minister.dunhg_1.jpg

The newly-elected Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has pledged to do his utmost, together with other Cabinet members and the entire political system, to promote the aggregate strength of the entire nation, accelerate the Renewal process, perfect the socialist-oriented market economic institution and help Vietnam actively integrate into the global economy.

Mr Dung made the pledge after he was elected as the new head of the Government to replace his predecessor Phan Van Khai at the current National Assembly session in Hanoi on June 27. He received 92.08 percent of the total votes cast by NA deputies present at the session.

In his swearing-in address at the session, Mr Dung said during his term he will try his best to help develop all economic sectors rapidly, mobilise and fully tap all resources, particularly the inner resources, to speed up national industrialization and modernization, develop the knowledge-based economy and secure a steady economic growth.

He also vowed to implement social progress and equality, generate more jobs, provide better healthcare services, fight hunger and poverty, and increase people’s well-being, while expanding external relations, strengthening national defence and security, and maintaining socio-political stability to realise the goal of early lifting the country out of the underdeveloped nation status.

He said in the face of domestic and global developments, he really wishes to grasp and strictly implement the resolutions of the recent Party National Congress and the National Assembly and perform better in the 2002-2007 term.

Later, the newly-elected PM submitted a Government proposal to the National Assembly to relieve some Cabinet members of their posts.

Born in 1937, Vu Khoan has recently proposed that he no longer stand foer election to the 10th Party Central Committee and work as Deputy Prime Minister. His proposal was approved by the Political Bureau and the Party Central Committee and the Prime Minister.

Born in 1935, Pham Van Tra had also asked for being not nominated to the 10th Party Central Committee and relinquishing his post as Minister of Defence. His proposal was approved by the Political Bureau and the Party Central Committee and the Prime Minister.

Born in 1935, Nguyen Dy Nien had refused to be nominated to the 10th Party Central Committee and asked for no longer working as Minister of Foreign Affairs. His proposal was approved by the Political Bureau and the Party Central Committee and the Prime Minister.

Nguyen Sinh Hung and Pham Quang Nghi were asked to quit their posts as Minister of Finance and Minister of Culture and Information to assume new tasks.

Quach Le Thanh also stopped working as Chief Inspector to take on a new task.

Nguyen Minh Hien proposed no longer working as Minister of Education and Training, and his proposal was approved by the Prime Minister.

The new Prime Minister demanded that the National Assembly consider relieving Dao Dinh Binh of his post as Minister of Transport following a number of wrong doings, particularly the graft scandal at his ministry’s Project Management Unit 18. Mr Binh has earlier submitted his resignation to the Prime Minister and it was accepted by the latter.

Earlier on Monday, NA deputies approved the list of candidates to be elected to the post of the NA Chairman, which was proposed by the NA Standing Committee. They then cast their ballots to elect Nguyen Phu Trong, a Politburo member and Secretary of the Hanoi City Party Committee to the post.

images1015839_NguyenPhuTrong.jpgIn his report, Nguyen Van Thuan, head of the vote-counting board, announced that Mr Trong received 417 ballots in favour out of total 477 counted, accounting for 84.85 percent.

In his sworn-in address, Mr Trong said that he realised the very importance of the legislature and its activities in building and perfecting the law-governed socialist State that is the State of the people, by the people and for the people. He said during the past six decades, particularly in the Doi Moi (Renewal) process, the highest powerful State agency has made significant achievements and gathered valuable experience in improving the quality and efficiency of its activities. However, he said “the heavy tasks are still lying ahead and we have to do more to meet the requirements of life in line with the guidelines of the recent 10th National Party Congress.”

He expressed hope that he will receive assistance from NA deputies, close co-ordination of the members of the NA Standing Committee, regular co-ordination of relevant agencies, and whole-hearted support from voters and people across the country.

He said together with NA deputies he will do his utmost to renew and raise the quality of NA activities in the law-making process, supreme supervision and decision making so that the NA deserves to be the highest powerful State agency and the highest representative agency of the people, meeting the requirements of the revolution in the new stage.

Source: VOVnews