US Funds Anti-human Trafficking Project in Northern Vietnam

The US Embassy in Vietnam has agreed to provide US$14,976 for a project to prevent trafficking of women and children in the northern province of Thanh Hoa.

The project will be implemented by the local Women's Union between September 2005 and September 2006.

It will include training courses on preventing trafficking, vocational and business training for poor women, and distribution of handbooks and booklets on prevention of human trafficking, gender issues, and small business management.

The project aims to increase public awareness of the causes and dangerous consequences of trafficking of women and children, and measures to combat trafficking, as well as create better-paid jobs for poor women and girls to reduce the risks.

(Source: VNA)
Story from Thanh Nien News
Published: 28 September, 2005, 21:28:11 (GMT+7)
Copyright Thanh Nien News