‘All aspects of life’ remain normal in Central Highlands

Ha noi — Viet Nam has rejected allegations of "persecution of Montagnard Protestants" and public disorder in the Central Highlands stating "all aspects" of life there remained normal.

Answering correspondents, foreign ministry spokesman Le Dung slammed Human Rights Watch and Montagnard Foundation for their "ill-willed fabrication and exaggeration" about the situation in the area.

"This is not the first time [they are making such allegations] and we therefore categorically reject this...," he said.

"I would like to repeat that all aspects of life in the Central Highlands remain normal."

He said that Viet Nam’s State’s consistent policy has been to consolidate the ‘great national unity’ and improve the material and spiritual lives of its people with special care given to those living in mountainous and remote areas, including the Central Highland provinces.

Vietnamese laws guarantee freedom of religious belief and non-belief, which is inscribed in the Constitution and respected in reality, he said.

"The so-called ‘persecution of Montagnard protestants’ is absolutely non-existent."

"An evident illustration," he pointed out, "is the inauguration of the Pay Ro Ngol A Ma Ron Protestant Association on April 13, 2004 in A Ma Ron commune, La Pa district, Gia Lai province." The spokesman also pointed to the fact that there were 11 Protestant associations in Gia Lai Province. — VNS