Outcomes of the AMM 35 in Brunei and Vietnam's contribution

On August 1, 2002, the FM Spokesperson answers question on the outcomes of the AMM 35 organized in Brunei and Vietnam's contribution:

Answer: After two days of working, AMM 35 concluded successfully and adopted a joint communique.

Agreements of the meeting focussed on 3 issues, namely promoting regional integration, consolidating peace, stability and security and strenghthening unity in ASEAN.

The ministers confirmed the importance of enhancing unity and cooperation, optimizing opportunities and overcoming challenges; accelerting ASEAN integration, expanding and raising the efficiency of cooperation with other coutries, reaffirming determination to realise the ASEAN Vision 2020 by implementing the Hanoi Plan of Action and the Roadmap for the Integration of ASEAN (RIA).

ASEAN countries have agreed to an action program to enhance regional integration in 4 directions: firstly, infrastructure (with 15 specific programs and projects), secondly human resources development (with 14 programs), thirdly information communication technology (with 7 programs) and fourthly, regional economic integration (with 12 programs).

The ministers affirmed the commitment to strengthening cooperation in counter- terrorism in accordance with the situation in each member country and within the framework of the Program of JoVietnam made positive contributions to the success of the Meeting.

Vietnam was the Chairman of ASEAN Standing Committee in 2001 and was very proactive in its role. It promoted the implementation of initiatives proposed at AMM 34 in Hanoi, especially in strenghthening ASEAN unity, bridging development gaps and supporting new members.

It was Vietnam's political and social stability and economic development that provide an important factor for the collective development of the region and a condition to implement programs currently pursued by ASEAN Action to Counter Terrorism.