Gov't report on socio-economic development in 2002

Ha Noi, Nov.19 (VNA) -- Following are excerpts from the Government's report which will be presented at the 10th session of the National Assembly, scheduled to open on Tuesday, Nov.20:

(This is the first time the Government has publicized its report before submitting it to the National Assembly for public comments)

Regarding tasks, measures and policies towards the development of economic branches and sectors, the report says:

Striving for a rise of about 4.2 percent in agriculture, forestry and fisheries production in 2002, including a rise of 2.5 percent in agriculture, 3.0 percent in forestry, and more than 12.5 percent in fisheries.

In 2002, Viet Nam plans to obtain total outputs of 34.5 million tonnes of food grain, 750,000 tonnes of coffee, 330,000 tonnes of dry latex, 85,000 tonnes of dry tea, and 140,000 tonnes of cashew nuts.

Next year, 250,000 ha will be dedicated to planting new forests, including 80,000 ha of preventive forests, raising national forest coverage to 34.6 percent. In addition, efforts will continue in the protection of 1.6-1.7 million ha of existing forests.

The country will also aim for a yield of 2.4 million tonnes of aquatic products while expanding its area of aquaculture to about 1 million ha. In addition, the country hopes to register a total export value of USD 5 billion in agriculture, forestry and fisheries, about 9 percent higher than in 2001.

It will strive to obtain a rise of 14 percent in industrial production, including increases of about 11 percent in the state-owned sector, 19 percent in the non-state sector and 14 percent in the foreign-invested sector.

In detail, major industrial outputs include more than 34.5 billion Kwh of electricity (28.3 billion Kwh of commercial electricity), 16.8 million tonnes of crude oil, 2 billion cubic metres of gas, 12.5 million tonnes of anthracite, and 2.2 million tonnes of rolled steel.

In 2002, the industry plans to export USD 12.2 billion worth of its products, a year-on-year increase of about 11 percent.

In the service sector, the total turnover of retail sales and service operations is estimated to grow by 10-12 percent compared to 2001.

Next year, Viet Nam will expect to welcome 2.5 million foreign tourists and more than 12 million domestic visitors.

Efforts will be further made to modernize the post and telecommunications industry in order to achieve a rate of 5.6 telephones for every 100 people, a total of 1 million subscribed telephones and 350,000 Internet subscribers.

The country will also strive to obtain a year-on-year growth of 6.8-7.0 percent in the service sector.

In 2002, Viet Nam's export value is planned for a 10 percent growth over 2001, while import value will stand at USD 17.6 billion, about 10 percent higher than 2001. Therefore, trade deficit is estimated at USD 400 million, about 2.3 percent against its export value.

On development investment, all resources and potential will be mobilized for socio-economic development next year. The goal is a year-on-year increase of 17 percent, about 32 percent of GDP, and two-thirds of investment will be mobilized within the country.

Total State budget revenues are expected to increase 7.6 percent in 2002 compared with 2001, attaining a GDP mobilization rate of 19.4 percent. Total State budget expenditure will be up 7.1 percent compared with this year's figure. State budget deficit will be 5 percent of the GDP.

On education and training, junior secondary students will increase 3.8 percent, and senior secondary students will increase 5.8 percent. University admissions will be up 5 percent; vocational school students up 10 percent; students selected for post-graduation training up 15 percent; and new trainees of job training courses will number 984,000, a 10 percent increase compared with 2001.

On employment, the goal is to create jobs for about 1.4 million more workers reduce the unemployment rate in urban areas to 6.1 percent, and raise the percentage of rural working time to 75 percent.

On poverty reduction, the country will strive to help 300,000 households get above the poverty line and reduce the poverty rate to 14-15 percent.

On healthcare, the government intends to help all communes nationwide establish medical stations of their own, prevent the outbeak of major epidemics; continue implementing the national expanded immunization programme for children; and obtain the target of 23.9 hospital beds for every 10,000 people in 2002.

The country will maintain the 0.04 percent decrease in the birthrate for the estimated 79.8 million population in 2002, says the report.--VNA