Spain wants to cooperate with Vietnam on long-term basis

Ha Noi, Oct. 10 (VNA) -- Viet Nam is one of three Asian countries that Spain gives cooperation priority to, said Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar in an interview granted to a Viet Nam News Agency correspondent on the occasion of Prime Minister Phan Van Khai's visit to Spain from Oct. 8-9.

He said that the signing of a framework agreement on development cooperation which includes regulations on the establishment of a joint committee proved that Spain's desire for cooperation with Viet Nam is constant and long term.

On the aim of the first official meeting between the two countries' leaders after 24 years of establishing diplomatic relations, the Spanish PM said that he was pleased with PM Khai's visit, which, he hoped, would help consolidate the friendship between the two nations.

The Spain-Viet Nam relations have been considerably improved in recent years. Spain established a chamber of commerce in Ho chi Minh City in 1997 and opened its embassy in Ha Noi later.

Assessing the renewal process and open economic policy in Viet Nam over the past 15 years, PM Aznar said Viet Nam has proved its determination to open and reform the economy. He expressed his support for Viet Nam in establishing a firm marco-economic foundation and integrating into the world economy.

The results of Viet Nam's open policy and its political stability have been manifested through a fast economic growth in the 1990s, PM Aznar noted. He added that the achievements have helped Viet Nam eradicate hunger and reduce poverty.

"I believe that such growth rate will be maintained in the next decade," PM Aznar said. Viet Nam should further its renewal process so that foreign investment will come and bring great benefits to the country, he said.

The Spanish PM also expressed his support for Viet Nam's comprehensive integration into the international economic and financial community, considering it as a decisive factor for Viet Nam's prosperity.

The Spanish Prime Minister reaffirmed his country's policy to give high priority to its relations with Viet Nam to tap its great potential.

Bilateral trade, though remaining modest with a turnover of USD 320 million in 2000, has represented a four-fold increase in Spain's exports to Viet Nam over the last five years, and Spain has become an important market for Viet Nam as its imports rose to USD 270 million last year.

Spain is a major financial donor to Viet Nam. The country has provided Viet Nam with a package aid of USD 180 million in two financial programmes. It signed another financial aid programme worth USD 135 million last month. Spain has also strongly supported the European Union's move to increase Viet Nam's garments and textiles quotas.

"The two countries have a great potential to boost economic and commercial cooperation in the future. I believe that an agreement on bilateral investment protection and encouragement as well as another on avoidance of double taxation will be signed soon," he said.

The Spanish Government leader said his country was ready to cooperate with Viet Nam in tourism promotion by offering assistance in expertise and experience.

He said it would be fine for the bilateral relations if the number of Spanish tourists to Viet Nam will surpass last year's 15,000 record in the years to come.

He also mentioned efforts to promote the Spanish language study in Viet Nam through broadcasting a programme on television and publishing a Spanish-Vietnamese dictionary as there are more than 2,000 Vietnamese public workers using the Spanish language in their work.

"Such efforts are to promote mutual understanding between the two countries," the Spanish leader said.--VNA